Hi everyone! I'm so sorry that I haven't posted in ages. I will try to post more frequently for the last term. I have lots of photos and videos from the last few months so I will try and get up as much as possible so you can see some of the things that we have been doing in the class. I hope you enjoy :)
Happy Paddy's Day!!!
We had some Irish dancers in our class. Here is a short snippet of the dance that they performed for us at the parade. They were fantastic!
VID_20170316_093237 from Sile McSweeney on Vimeo.
I'm a Little Leprechaun! The children performed the song in the hall at the parade for the rest of the school. They did so well we decided to do it again to show to everyone at home. Hope you enjoy.
VID_20170316_100120 from Sile McSweeney on Vimeo.
Nature Walk
We took a walk around the school grounds to explore the different plants and animals that we could see. We found daffodils, snowdrops and muscari planted around the school grounds. We also visited the pond and spotted some frogspawn. We will be back again in the next few weeks to see the frogspawn develop.
Here is one of the Maths activities that we have done. This activity allows the children to practice many different skills that we have been working on. They have to order the numbers correctly, count out the correct amount of items for that number and match the items to the numbers correctly. This activity was active and lots of fun.
Valentines day!!
Valentines Video from Sile McSweeney on Vimeo.
In February, we explored the theme of transport. We learned all about the different types of vehicles and what we use them for. In the pictures below you can see the children constructing their own vehicles using mobilo, taking journeys on the play mat, using play doh to create different vehicles and painting the carriages for our train. We changed the clothes shop into the train station for this month. The children loved pretending to be the different people: customers, ticket sellers, train conductor and train driver.
The Clothes Shop
In January we explored the themes of winter and the clothes shop. In the photos below you can see the children exploring the effects of water on different materials, playing in the clothes shop, playing in the winter small world, drawing winter pictures using pastels and creating outfits. The clothes shop was a huge hit. The children got so much enjoyment in this area. Thank you to everyone for bringing in old clothes to supply the shop, it made a big difference.