Hello everyone and happy Friday! Another week of digital learning almost done, super work everyone.
- Practice reader online, word lists, tricky words etc.
- Blending/reading (see video below)
- Animals and their babies matching activity - download below. You don't need to print this, you may wish to do it as an oral language activity and just chat about the pictures and discuss what goes together. There is also a word only version if you'd like to make it more difficult.
- Draw and write about your favourite farm animal. We have been talking about farm animals for almost two weeks now boys and girls, and I know you probably love them all but I just want you to pick your most favourite, draw a picture of him/her and try add some words to your picture - a little bit like how we do it in our Writing Workshop.
farm-animals-and-their-babies-matching-activity-sheet-english-canadian_ver_1.pdf |
- Athrá ar an bhfóclóir - Revision of vocab
- Scéalín - little story. The story doesn't match with our season but it's just a nice story that links with our topic of clothes.
- Number flash & Addition (see video below)
- Colour by number - some worksheets if you have access to a printer. Not to worry if you don't. You could play a game you might have made after watching some videos of myself and Ms. Brooks!
grandads-farm-colour-by-numbers-activity-sheet-english.pdf |
farm-colour-by-numbers.pdf |
the-farm-aistear-colour-by-number.pdf |
Have a lovely weekend everybody, hope the weather is good and I'll see you back here on Monday! :)
Ms. O'Shea
Ms. O'Shea