100% Attendance!
Look at all the girls and boys who have been in every single day since we returned in August! Congratulations to you all! Children received a gold attendance sticker and a visit to the treasure chest.
OCO Visit
The Wellbeing Committee and Ms. Shannon’s Class visited the Ombudsman for Children’s Office in November. It was a fascinating visit; children learned about children’s rights and how these rights should be protected and fostered. The Wellbeing Committee will host an Assembly in 2025 to share their ideas about children’s rights.
Irish Baroque Orchestra Collaboration
On behalf of our four first classes and staff, a huge thank you to Berginald Rash who gave 10 weeks of musical workshops. The children really enjoyed learning about baroque instruments and music and it was such a delight to work alongside live musicians and instruments. We are grateful to the Katherine Howard Foundation and the Arts Council for their financial support in allowing the initiative to come to fruition and a special thanks to Catherine Dunphy and Aliye Cornish Moore for their vision and creativity.
Science day 2024
The theme for Science Day is discovering science through play and inquiry. In the spirit of Aistear, the children explored the activities in a way that interests them and ignites their curiosity. It was a great day and everyone had super fun!
Autumn Walk!
olv visits ballymun garda station!
Maths Day 2024
We had a wonderful day in our school exploring all things Maths . The children engaged in activities that explore number, shape and pattern. We incorporated Maths into our PE, music and reading. We engaged our maths skills in some measuring and balancing activities. The children used their maths eyes to identify Maths around us and in the environment. Thank you to the parents who joined us on the day to support the children and play UNO card games. It was an uplifting team effort .
We had a wonderful day in our school exploring all things Maths . The children engaged in activities that explore number, shape and pattern. We incorporated Maths into our PE, music and reading. We engaged our maths skills in some measuring and balancing activities. The children used their maths eyes to identify Maths around us and in the environment. Thank you to the parents who joined us on the day to support the children and play UNO card games. It was an uplifting team effort .
Community neighbourhood award winners
Our school came 2nd place in the recent Dublin City Council awards for improving the community by contributing to the natural environment. Thank you to the children and parents from senior infants who collected the award at the ceremony. We are so proud of all of the hard work!
Summer Newsletter
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
Active Week - Dance
First Class Graduation
OLV visit Bloom 2024!
Children from OLV Infants won a National Dairy Council Competition and were chosen to sing their witty song on the opening day of the BLOOM festival. The children churned milk into butter and had great fun with parents and grandparents at the festival. Thank you to Sinéad Whelan and the NDC for organising such a unique and memorable day! The children also featured on RTE.
The school will close at 12.45 next Monday
17th of June
Active school week
20 day challenge

We extended the challenge for a few days and every child with over 94% attendance got a prize from the treasure chest on Friday!
Popcorn parties on the bus

We celebrated increased attendance across the board recently- thank you parents! We extended the competition period for a few days.
Junior Infants- best overall attendance class is Ms.Doherty’s Class Room 1. Congratulations!! Well done girls and boys!
Senior Infants- Best Class overall attendance is Ms. Gaughran Room 8. Congratulations!! Well done girls and boys!
First Class- Best overall attendance is Ms.Maguire’s Class Room 14. Congratulations!! Well done girls and boys!
Junior Infants- best overall attendance class is Ms.Doherty’s Class Room 1. Congratulations!! Well done girls and boys!
Senior Infants- Best Class overall attendance is Ms. Gaughran Room 8. Congratulations!! Well done girls and boys!
First Class- Best overall attendance is Ms.Maguire’s Class Room 14. Congratulations!! Well done girls and boys!
Sunflower Planting Day!
Well done to all the girls, boys and teachers who managed to withstand the rainy weather today and get outside to plant their sunflower seeds! Also, a BIG THANK YOU to our wonderful parent volunteers who made the day run so smoothly.
St Patrick's Day CELEBRATIONS!
Christmas Concert Timetable
Santa visits OLV!
We got so excited when we heard the sleighbells on Wednesday! Santa visited OLV!
He told us we were the best children in Ireland with our kind hands, kind feet, kind
words and kind hearts! We sang our Anthem and 'We wish you a Merry Christmas'.
Santa was delighted. He gave everyone an Annual as a gift. Santa joined the teachers for a cup of tea and a mince pie and then he flew home.
He told us we were the best children in Ireland with our kind hands, kind feet, kind
words and kind hearts! We sang our Anthem and 'We wish you a Merry Christmas'.
Santa was delighted. He gave everyone an Annual as a gift. Santa joined the teachers for a cup of tea and a mince pie and then he flew home.
Dublin City Environmental Award Ceremony
Friday, 1st December 2023
Huge thanks to First Class children Lexi, Aiden, Amaris, Keegan, Georgia, Rokaya, Aaron and Sofia along with Ms. Fallon, Ms. Maguire, Joanne and Artineta (parents) who represented OLV Infants so brilliantly at the Schools Award Ceremony on the 1st December in The Mansion House! The children performed a poem for the Lord Mayor, Daithí de Róiste and Rokaya blew the crowd away with her high energy Hip Hop dance performance. We were so proud! We were there as we had been shortlisted for an environmental award along with five other schools from Dublin.
We are thrilled to announce that OLV Infants School was awarded 1st Prize!!
Science Day 2023!
OLV Autumn Walk 2023!
Hallowe'en Fun With the parents!
Maths week 2023
1st Place Winners!
OLV Infants came first place in Tidy Towns School gardens. Congratulations to everybody. Our many green/biodiversity/gardening initiatives were complimented. Staff and pupils received a beautiful trophy and refreshments at an evening ceremony.
Dolce Choir & OLV Infants Concert
Thank you to OLV pupils for eloquently opening a delightful evening of Autumn songs on Friday 13th in the beautiful church of John the Baptist, in Clontarf. Heartfelt gratitude to Deirdre Ní Chaomhánaigh and her choir Dolce for a beautiful evening’s entertainment of mellow Autumn melodies. Funds were raised for Music Therapy. Míle buíochas!
Music in the outdoor classroom!
podchraoladh Rm12!
Outdoor Learning
Padchraoladh! Seomra 13
Enjoying Autumnal Days in OLV!
The Students' Say!
Click above to hear this week's Students' Say!
Board of Management’s Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement
We were very honoured by a visit from the Minister for Education, Norma Foley, on Thursday 13th July. The Minister visited our Summer Camp. She reported that it was truly a delightful experience for her to see the children learning in such a happy, creative, well planned and stimulating environment.
Our camp theme of "Environmental Literacy” was woven into the theme of “Confidence and Connections” as mandated by the Department and the themes complemented each other, hand in glove.
As the Child’s Voice is central in OLV, pupils brought the Minister on a guided tour of the school, sharing the current highlights and initiatives and of course, inviting her on our bus.
The Minister highly praised the tour-guides who were chuffed. She noted the high calibre of teaching and learning, leadership and initiatives, creativity and musicality (children sang our Wellbeing Anthem and Irish song Féileacháin). She also praised the Outdoor Learning, STEAM, Inquiry Based Learning, 6 Green Flags, Active Flags and our variety of well chosen resources. Most importantly she observed that the children were learning happily and they assured her of this with a rousing cheer.
Minister Foley generously praised the Teachers, SNAs, Gwen, Derek, Management. In particular, she thanked the Board of Management for their voluntarism, especially Pat Feeney for 31 years of dedication on the Board.
After joining parents and staff for refreshments, a gift of a planter, planted up by pupils, was carefully placed in the Minister’s car. Rogan explained that one of the plants , a fuschia, was to remind her of the country roads in Kerry. We thank Minister Foley for her very memorable visit.
Slán go fóill Minister Foley! We hope that our paths cross again soon.
Our camp theme of "Environmental Literacy” was woven into the theme of “Confidence and Connections” as mandated by the Department and the themes complemented each other, hand in glove.
As the Child’s Voice is central in OLV, pupils brought the Minister on a guided tour of the school, sharing the current highlights and initiatives and of course, inviting her on our bus.
The Minister highly praised the tour-guides who were chuffed. She noted the high calibre of teaching and learning, leadership and initiatives, creativity and musicality (children sang our Wellbeing Anthem and Irish song Féileacháin). She also praised the Outdoor Learning, STEAM, Inquiry Based Learning, 6 Green Flags, Active Flags and our variety of well chosen resources. Most importantly she observed that the children were learning happily and they assured her of this with a rousing cheer.
Minister Foley generously praised the Teachers, SNAs, Gwen, Derek, Management. In particular, she thanked the Board of Management for their voluntarism, especially Pat Feeney for 31 years of dedication on the Board.
After joining parents and staff for refreshments, a gift of a planter, planted up by pupils, was carefully placed in the Minister’s car. Rogan explained that one of the plants , a fuschia, was to remind her of the country roads in Kerry. We thank Minister Foley for her very memorable visit.
Slán go fóill Minister Foley! We hope that our paths cross again soon.
Summer Treats!
Celebrating Diversity in O.L.V.!
Active schools flag raising
Lord Mayor Caroline Conroy visited our school to help raise our Active School Flag.
Congratulations to all of the boys and girls, the Active school committee and Ms.Brooks for all of their hard work!
Sunflower week 2023
Lá FHÉILE pádraig - biongó
An Siopa
Chuaigh muid go dtí an siopa inniu don ceacht Mata. Táimid ag foghlaim faoin airgead.

Incy Wincy weaves her web in OLV
This week, we were delighted to unveil a magnificent copper sculpture, created by artist Grainne Doyle. The first class children welcomed the artist warmly followed by a brief interview with Gráinne. We enjoyed some tasty chocolate Spider cake to celebrate our new installation. The sculpture compliments our new flower bed. Thank you to the children & volunteers who assisted planting.
We are learning about different forces!
Exploring Chalk pastels
We learned how to use different techniques to create different effects with the chalk pastels.
Happy World book day 2023!
Spring Service
Keeping Warm on a cold day with active schools!
Observation in the school garden
Spring has Sprung in olv!
Fruity Bird Feeders!
School calendar 2023
Science Day 2022
Sister Act! the first bird feeders are really beautiful! Well done girls

Dingle Dangle Scarecrow picks the last tomatoes
Halloween Performances
Autumn walk
Maths Week
Many thanks to all the parents who came and helped with Maths Week. The boys and girls had a fantastic time!
tRIP TO THE Botanic GardenS
September Newsletter
Please click on the photo below to view our September newsletter.
Congratulations to First class pupils for delivering a brilliant welcome back message over the intercom. A well-deserved visit to the Treasure Chest followed and the boys get to keep the “sleep-over” trophies for a night! Well done!
Click Below!
SNA Appreciation Day!
Today was somewhat of a surprise to our wonderful SNAs. Mabel, Kayson and Senan did an excellent podcast on how extraordinary our very dedicated SNAs are. First Classes did portraits and acrostics and the SNAs enjoyed some cáca milis etc. We are so very fortunate to have an exceptional SNA team in OLV Infants and really appreciate their very fine contribution to the culture and climate of our school. Another “Hip, Hip Hooray!” for the ladies!
Active Schools Week 2020!
What an active packed week we had here at OLV Infants in celebration of our Active Schools Week! Check out our Active Schools Page and scroll through our journey so far to achieving our Active Schools Flag!
Tour Guides 2022
Congratulations and thank you to our First Class Tour Guides. In pairs, they guided groups ( boys and girls and their parents who will be starting school in September) around the school to get a flavour of OLV Infants. They did a splendid job and compliments were flying! Well done! The Tour Guides all had a visit to the Treasure Chest and lunch on the Bus. We are so proud of you.
Update on the chicks
Our feathered friends who hatched in school have moved to County Cavan to a family who were in OLV and relocated. The chickens are very happy and have other new friends! Look how much they have grown!
Our Lucky Visitors to the Treasure Chest
Best Attendance in OLV!
Congratulations Room 1!
Ms.Byrne's are the best!
Ms.Byrne's are the best!
Valentine's day
Have a look at some of the fabulous artwork the boys and girls were busy making for Valentine's Day!
Safer Internet Day 2022
February/March Newsletter
Click below!
HSE UPDATE/ Recommendations for children aged 5-11
new year's RESOLUTIONs
Have a listen to some of our wonderful 1st Class students talk about New Year's
Please click on the image below to read the December newsletter!
Kindness and compliments week
13th-17th December
Some First class children from Ms. Hiney’s share a few tips!
Thank you Max, Tiah, Senan and Mabel!
Some First class children from Ms. Hiney’s share a few tips!
Thank you Max, Tiah, Senan and Mabel!
Winter Walk
A huge thank you to everyone for supporting our recent Winter Walk. Your generosity and support is very much appreciated. Congratulations to our raffle prize winners too. We all had a wonderful day.
November and December Newsletter
Please click on the image below to view the newsletter
Notification Regarding the Board of Management’s Review of the Child Safeguarding Statement 2021
MAths Eye Competition
Well done to everyone who entered the School Maths eyes competition . Here are some of the entries!
September Attendance Award
September Attendance winners: Ms Soden Room 13 . Well done everyone , keep it up .
September Newsletter
Trip to the Botanic Gardens
All the boys and girls in First Class visited the Sculpture Exhibition in the Botanic Gardens. They had a fantastic time exploring the gardens and looking at all the different sculptures!
tennis coaching programme in Albert College Park, Ballymun Road
Free technology classes for parents starting Tuesday 14th Septemeber @10am. Click here to find out more .
Please click here to view the reviewed Reopening Covid Risk Assessment/ Response Policy
A Safe return to School!
Digging Potatoes
Our Summer Newsletter
Please click on the image below to read our summer newsletter.
First Class Graduation
Our first class graduation message is now on Seesaw
Metro News

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Ms.O Shea's class won the Literacy/ Maths Family Online Quiz! Congratulations!
School Closures 2021/2022
Lord Mayor Hazel Chu Visits OLV
The Lord Mayor, Hazel Chu, visited the graduating First Classes in Our Lady of Victories Infant yard on 22nd June. She presented a special award to a remarkable boy, Hugh Bowden. The pupils delighted the Lord Mayor, welcoming her in song and dance with Ms Mc Carthy’s class performing “We’re all in this Together” with great gusto! The four first classes sang “You can count on me”, which was very moving. A flag -raising followed, where the new OLV School flag was raised in the sunshine. As she finished her days in office as Lord Mayor, Ruby and Robert presented Ms Chu with a scroll of the school’s Wellbeing Anthem and a gift of a sunflower. (Sunflowers are traditionally grown by every pupil annually).Robert eloquently addressed the Lord Mayor, Advising her for her future, in the words of the “Advice from a Sunflower!”Indeed the advice was extended to all the pupils too, as they move to the senior school. “Be bright, be sunny, be positive, spread seeds of happiness; rise, shine and hold your head high”. Ms Chu was also advised, with words from our Wellbeing Anthem, to always remember, in her path through life, to follow the heart of the message in our school’s Wellbeing Anthem to have “kind hands, kind feet, kind words and a kind heart”. The Lord Mayor remarked to Ms Mc Donnell the principal that she had met several groups of pupils but that our first classes were the happiest, most confident and well-mannered group of all. We are so proud of each unique girl and boy. We wish our wonderful first class children every grace and blessing in the new chapter of their lives and will miss them in the Infant School. Slán go fóill.
School Uniform 2021/2022
School tracksuits will be on sale in the school hall at the following times,
Junior Infants - August 25th 2021 - 11am- 1pm
Senior Infants & First Class - August 26th 2021 - 11am-1pm
Junior Infants - August 25th 2021 - 11am- 1pm
Senior Infants & First Class - August 26th 2021 - 11am-1pm
Helpful tips on how to help your child prepare for school.
Creative Schools Inititive
First class experienced some wonderful sessions with artist Ciara Harrison. They explored the areas of fabric and fibre, construction and print. They were given the freedom to explore their creativity and the children produced some wonderful art pieces.
Senior infants and Junior Infants worked with a wonderful musician Catherine Duggan from Magic of Music. They explored tempo, pitch , duration, and performance. They had a wonderful time and enjoyed a fantastic drum session at the end.
OLV Infants Summer Family Quiz!
Virtual Welcome to New Junior Infants 2021!
Sports Day for Junior Infants
Our Junior Infants had a marvelous sports day in the sunshine yesterday. Here are some photos of our future Olympians in training!
Treasure Chest Visitors
Many more boys and girls have visited the treasure chest for their fabulous work. Here's a selection of photos from their trips to the chest!
Our May and June Newsletter
A Trip to the Treasure Chest!
Some of our lucky boys and girls visited the treasure chest as a reward for all of their hard work! Here are some pictures from their visit.
A kind request
We are looking for large marbles 'stealers' for a science project in the school. If you have any please bring them into your teacher! Thank you!
A letter to Parents and Guardians regarding school reopening after Easter break
Easter competition from Grainne Maguire on Vimeo.
Easter Competition
Congratulations to the following boys and girls for winning the SeeSaw competition.
OLV Infants Family Fun Easter Competition!
Please answer on SeeSaw.
Winners in each class will be announced on Friday 26th, before 12.00 closure.
We will also have our traditional Easter egg hunt this day.
Prizes include beautiful books and of course Easter Eggs!
Each class will have a winner!
Match the jokes with the correct answer.
Winners in each class will be announced on Friday 26th, before 12.00 closure.
We will also have our traditional Easter egg hunt this day.
Prizes include beautiful books and of course Easter Eggs!
Each class will have a winner!
Match the jokes with the correct answer.
Updated Covid-19 Risk Assessment
Spring Newsletter
Please click on the image below to read our spring newsletter.
Grammar Giants Competition
We had not one, not two, not three but four class winners today!
Ms. Maguire,Ms.Byrne,Ms.Farrelly and Ms.Mc Sweeney's classes all won a prize from the Treasure Chest!
Congratulations Everyone!
Ms. Maguire,Ms.Byrne,Ms.Farrelly and Ms.Mc Sweeney's classes all won a prize from the Treasure Chest!
Congratulations Everyone!
A Reopening Letter to Parents
We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday. Please read the updated guidelines relating to the return to school attached below.
A Letter to Parents
Our Lady of Victories Infant National School Covid-19 Risk Assessment
Government Guidelines for Parents
Midterm Newsletter
Remote Learning Policy
Please click on the image below to read the school's remote learning policy.
Our Spring Newsletter
Please click on the photo below to access our newsletter.
With today marking the first day of spring, we have also attached a beautiful video from the National Botanic Gardens. The video takes you on a journey through the gardens, on a hunt for signs of spring.
With today marking the first day of spring, we have also attached a beautiful video from the National Botanic Gardens. The video takes you on a journey through the gardens, on a hunt for signs of spring.
To get unlimited data on your mobile phone so you can use it to continue your education using the internet, please follow these steps:
That is all you need to do. If the Customer Service person says they have not heard of this then ask them to double-check with their manager. If they refuse to change you to an unlimited data plan (at no extra cost to you) then you can contact a government organisation called CommReg to complain and get further support. The phone number for CommReg is 01 804 9668. If you are still having issues then you can call AONTAS on 1800 303669 to report these issues.
- Step 1: Top up your phone credit (if you are on a pay-as-you-go plan); you do not need to be on a bill pay plan to change to an unlimited data plan. Whatever your current plan is, it does not matter. This unlimited data should not cost you any extra money on top of what you would normally pay.
- Step 2: Go to the website of your mobile provider (Vodafone, Three, Tesco Mobile and so on) and contact their Customer Service. You can use ‘web Chat’ on the website to talk to them or you can ring them if you prefer. Their Customer Service phone number will be shown somewhere on their website.
- Step 3: When you get through to a Customer Service representative tell them that you want to change your current plan to a plan with unlimited data because you need the unlimited data to continue your education course online.
That is all you need to do. If the Customer Service person says they have not heard of this then ask them to double-check with their manager. If they refuse to change you to an unlimited data plan (at no extra cost to you) then you can contact a government organisation called CommReg to complain and get further support. The phone number for CommReg is 01 804 9668. If you are still having issues then you can call AONTAS on 1800 303669 to report these issues.
Our SeeSaw Showcase
Our Junior Infant Work
Our Senior Infant Work
Our 1st Class Work
Seesaw Webinar for Parents
Upcoming Webinar for Parents/Guardians on using Seesaw.
Monday 1st February 8-9pm.
Registration is now open at https://www.ecsligo.ie/webinars-for-parents.html
Important Revised News: Return to School 2021
*Please read the following updates regarding online learning in OLV*
Please Read Important Revised News: Return to School 2021
Parents Please Read Our Lady of Victories' Revised Online Learning Policy & Plan January 2021
Please Read Important Revised News: Return to School 2021
Parents Please Read Our Lady of Victories' Revised Online Learning Policy & Plan January 2021
Important News: Return to School 2021
Government guidelines confirm schools will reopen January 11th due to Covid-19 escalation. Please see link below.
* Guidelines are subject to change*
Wishing all of our families health and joy in 2021.
* Guidelines are subject to change*
Wishing all of our families health and joy in 2021.
A Christmas Message
Please click the photo below to read!
Families travelling outside of Ireland must follow quarantine rules on their return . These may change but it is now 14 day quarantine. www.dfa.ie/travel.
Santa Visits OLV
The children heard sleigh bells on Friday and were delighted to have a North Pole visitor to the yard who noted that OLV girls and boys are the best in the world, always trying to use kind hands, kind feet , kind words, kind hearts!
A letter for Parents from the Chief Medical Officer
Winter Walk Raffle Winners
Winter Walk
Here are a few snaps from our Winter Walk last Friday!
Newsflash from Ms.Soden's First Class
First Class children are debating what to purchase for our outdoor garden. Listen here!
In November We Remember
Our school took a moment to pause and remember all of our loved ones that have passed away. You can listen to our remembrance service below.

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November Newsletter
Science Week 2020
We had a blast during science week! The budding scientists of OLV carried out some very fun experiments.
Enjoy the video!
Our Halloween Celebrations
All of the staff and students of OLV would like to wish you a very safe and spooky Halloween! We were wowed by the incredible effort the boys and girls put into their costumes on our dress up day . You can see a snippet of the day below!
Halloween at O.L.V.
We understand Halloween will be a little different for everyone this year but we will still celebrate the wonderful occasion!
Click here to read about our planned celebrations.
COVID-19 Update
Our September Newsletter
Click here to read all about what we got up to in September!
Click here to read all about what we got up to in September!
Friday 4th September
Welcome back Girls and Boys!
Welcome back boys and girls from GS101 on Vimeo.
A Welcome Back from the Chairperson
Please read these two important documents. They are our COVID-19 Policy Statement and our COVID-19 Response Plan.
Reopening News Letter!
This is a Graduation message to all the boys and girl in 1st Class from Ms. McDonnell.
Creative Schools - Happy Dance
Complete dence video below
Our school was selected to take part in the Creative Schools Project. As part of the project we will be exploring different aspects of creativity. This time we are exploring dance and how you can use dance to be creative and fun. A choreographer called Emma Kane has developed a special dance sequence for our school.
Here is the link to music to encourage you to continue
the dance over the summer:
the dance over the summer:
School Uniforms
Two Generations of Skipping in OLV
Transition preschool to primary school
The National Parents Council support parents to prepare themselves and their children for this transition so they have developed a short video with some of the key information from the programme which is available here.
thank you
Claire HCSL OLV Infants and Girls
thank you
Claire HCSL OLV Infants and Girls
While the girls and boys are safe at home, only the birds remain to be heard tweeting excitedly around the school grounds. Nature continues to blossom, decorating the OLV campus, ready and waiting to greet us all when we return!
Distance Podcast -
Mother and Daughter from Home
This is a historical first in OLV! Congratulations!
Charlotte (First Class) and her Mammy Siobhán have prepared a Podcast which we will all enjoy while we are couped up at home. They have shared valuable insights into how we should treat others. Listen carefully; I love the last line!
Thank you both! I think RTE will come looking for you!
Ms Mc Donnell.
Charlotte (First Class) and her Mammy Siobhán have prepared a Podcast which we will all enjoy while we are couped up at home. They have shared valuable insights into how we should treat others. Listen carefully; I love the last line!
Thank you both! I think RTE will come looking for you!
Ms Mc Donnell.
Virtual Welcome to our new Junior Infants September 2020.
Dear Parents and Guardians,
A very warm virtual welcome to our Lady of Victories Infant School! Thank you for choosing our school and entrusting your precious children in our care.
How strange it will seem next Wednesday 22nd April, not having a sea of faces, many familiar, in the hall. We were due to invite parents/guardian to our Introductory Meeting next Wednesday. As you will know, this is not possible due to Covid 19 Closure. On this day, you would traditionally meet our staff and hear a few tips to help make the transition to school a very smooth one. You would also meet our Home School Liaison teacher, Claire Thomas, who links in very closely with parents. I will include some of the tips and guidelines in your email. Please take your time to read carefully and invite a second guardian or grandparents, if they are involved, to familiarise themselves with the guidelines.
We await instruction from the HSE/Government as to when things can resume as normal. In the meantime, please make sure that Gwen, our wonderful secretary has an up-to-date mobile number and email address for you. N.B. If you change email or mobile number, email new details FAO Gwen + Child’s Name + Parents’ Name and New Phone number/email to [email protected]. Our school team may link up by phone to touch base with you by phone.
We look forward to meeting you all face to face. Be assured that your children will be well cared for by a very kind, dynamic and passionate staff, who will enable every child to actualise his/her own potential. We are ambitious for our children’s learning and holistic and spiritual development and enjoy much success across all curricular areas- Literacy, Numeracy, STEM, Arts. “The Pupil Voice” is very central in OLV. Our Wellbeing Committee (formed in 2019), composed our anthem together and guide us in ways in hearing and responding to the needs and voices of our children. In a new educational direction, teachers, pupils and indeed parents creatively explore new avenues to nurture the cultivation of the pupil voice in teaching and learning.
Pupil wellbeing is at the heart of our teaching and learning. Your child’s journey has begun at home and we look forward to sharing your path in Junior Infants. Until we meet again, the school personnel wish you and your extended families every blessing, health and happiness in these unpredictable times.
Le meas,
Mary McDonnell
A very warm virtual welcome to our Lady of Victories Infant School! Thank you for choosing our school and entrusting your precious children in our care.
How strange it will seem next Wednesday 22nd April, not having a sea of faces, many familiar, in the hall. We were due to invite parents/guardian to our Introductory Meeting next Wednesday. As you will know, this is not possible due to Covid 19 Closure. On this day, you would traditionally meet our staff and hear a few tips to help make the transition to school a very smooth one. You would also meet our Home School Liaison teacher, Claire Thomas, who links in very closely with parents. I will include some of the tips and guidelines in your email. Please take your time to read carefully and invite a second guardian or grandparents, if they are involved, to familiarise themselves with the guidelines.
We await instruction from the HSE/Government as to when things can resume as normal. In the meantime, please make sure that Gwen, our wonderful secretary has an up-to-date mobile number and email address for you. N.B. If you change email or mobile number, email new details FAO Gwen + Child’s Name + Parents’ Name and New Phone number/email to [email protected]. Our school team may link up by phone to touch base with you by phone.
We look forward to meeting you all face to face. Be assured that your children will be well cared for by a very kind, dynamic and passionate staff, who will enable every child to actualise his/her own potential. We are ambitious for our children’s learning and holistic and spiritual development and enjoy much success across all curricular areas- Literacy, Numeracy, STEM, Arts. “The Pupil Voice” is very central in OLV. Our Wellbeing Committee (formed in 2019), composed our anthem together and guide us in ways in hearing and responding to the needs and voices of our children. In a new educational direction, teachers, pupils and indeed parents creatively explore new avenues to nurture the cultivation of the pupil voice in teaching and learning.
Pupil wellbeing is at the heart of our teaching and learning. Your child’s journey has begun at home and we look forward to sharing your path in Junior Infants. Until we meet again, the school personnel wish you and your extended families every blessing, health and happiness in these unpredictable times.
Le meas,
Mary McDonnell
Dear Parents / Guardians
We have now virtually "closed" for the Easter Holidays! Congratulations to all our families who have engaged with distance learning. A huge thanks to our wonderful staff who have committed themselves with flair, skill and good humour! We ask you to take a break from distance learning over the holidays. However, if your child is really keen to engage in an educational activity, or you feel it will help your routine, invite your child to visit another classroom online and try out some of the wide range of activities.
If the Department of Education extends school closure, teachers will again resume online education on Monday 20th April. Please spend some of the Easter holidays exploring the website; you will find websites for learning, subject based etc. Browse the various blogs. Some parents are nervous about posting a comment up on the website - just to let you know, it does not go straight up; the teacher "moderates"/ approves the message. It might be nice for your child to wish classmates a Happy Easter by posting a simple comment to teacher/class.
Our friends in DCU are currently helping us explore a secure email so that children can send work to the teacher after Easter, should the closure continue.
All the staff, Gwen, teachers and SNAs, wish you a very Happy Easter. We will have a great Easter Egg hunt in 2021!
Stay safe and well.
Kind Regards,
Mary McDonnell
We have now virtually "closed" for the Easter Holidays! Congratulations to all our families who have engaged with distance learning. A huge thanks to our wonderful staff who have committed themselves with flair, skill and good humour! We ask you to take a break from distance learning over the holidays. However, if your child is really keen to engage in an educational activity, or you feel it will help your routine, invite your child to visit another classroom online and try out some of the wide range of activities.
If the Department of Education extends school closure, teachers will again resume online education on Monday 20th April. Please spend some of the Easter holidays exploring the website; you will find websites for learning, subject based etc. Browse the various blogs. Some parents are nervous about posting a comment up on the website - just to let you know, it does not go straight up; the teacher "moderates"/ approves the message. It might be nice for your child to wish classmates a Happy Easter by posting a simple comment to teacher/class.
Our friends in DCU are currently helping us explore a secure email so that children can send work to the teacher after Easter, should the closure continue.
All the staff, Gwen, teachers and SNAs, wish you a very Happy Easter. We will have a great Easter Egg hunt in 2021!
Stay safe and well.
Kind Regards,
Mary McDonnell
Easter Holidays start Friday 3rd to Sunday 19th.
Department of Education and Skills will publish any change in return date.
Department of Education and Skills will publish any change in return date.
NEPS Advice & Resources for keeping Children and Young People well during Covid-19The Department of Education and Skills’ NEPS psychologists have developed advice and some resources for young people to manage and stay well when schools are closed. NEPS psychologists have developed guidance for parents supporting children to create new routines at home. Having a Plan for the Day is key for children/young people to manage and stay well at this time. NEPS psychologists have developed advice for parents and schools on talking to children and young people about Covid-19 here.
Coach Gerry - Ballymun Kickims
Yay to Coach Gerry for making these cool video for the children! Why not try them out if you can! It's so important to keep active.
In the current climate of uncertainty, the Department of Education and Skills appreciates that students, staff and parents are being affected in various ways by the Covid-19 pandemic.
We are equally aware that there are many students and parents in Ireland for whom English/Irish is not their first language.
With this in mind, the Department of Health and the HSE have produced Covid-19 resources in a range of languages other than Irish and English which you can access below:
The languages currently available are Chinese, Italian, Spanish, French, Arabic, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Latvian and Lithuanian.
We are equally aware that there are many students and parents in Ireland for whom English/Irish is not their first language.
With this in mind, the Department of Health and the HSE have produced Covid-19 resources in a range of languages other than Irish and English which you can access below:
The languages currently available are Chinese, Italian, Spanish, French, Arabic, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Latvian and Lithuanian.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
All the teachers, SNAs, Gwen, Romy, Katie wish all our OLV community every blessing today. We hear that some children have made St. Patrick’s Day art at home and put it on their windows! A lovely idea!
You will see a very old Irish Blessing above. The words seem a bit odd “May the road rise to meet you”. Well that is because when this blessing was written hundreds of years ago, it was written in Irish “ Go éirí an bóthar leat” which means “May you succeed in your journey”.
For the next while, our journey, our days, may be challenging; not having playdates or parties and missing your friends in school. This blessing is about hope. We hope you are all well and happy and that we all have the things we truly need. This blessing is a song as well. We will learn it together when we meet again in OLV. We will sing more sweetly than all the recordings on YouTube!
Remember to listen to Oliver Jeffers at 6pm. We are already such fans in OLV!
Ms Mc Donnell
You will see a very old Irish Blessing above. The words seem a bit odd “May the road rise to meet you”. Well that is because when this blessing was written hundreds of years ago, it was written in Irish “ Go éirí an bóthar leat” which means “May you succeed in your journey”.
For the next while, our journey, our days, may be challenging; not having playdates or parties and missing your friends in school. This blessing is about hope. We hope you are all well and happy and that we all have the things we truly need. This blessing is a song as well. We will learn it together when we meet again in OLV. We will sing more sweetly than all the recordings on YouTube!
Remember to listen to Oliver Jeffers at 6pm. We are already such fans in OLV!
Ms Mc Donnell
Oliver Jeffers!
For all you folks stuck at home in the coming weeks. Starting on Monday, at 6pm GMT / 2pm EST / 11am PST
I [Oliver Jeffers] will be reading one of my books every weekday, and talking about some of the things that went into making it. (Over on his Instagram page)
We are all at home, but none of us are alone.
Let’s be bored together.
Also, my pal, and one of the best storybook writers in a generation @macbarnett will be doing the same with his books daily, an hour later.
And the genius minds behind @kaleidoscopeire are doing a daily creative project called ‘Home Club’,
-Oliver Jeffers
Very kind team at twinkl. Stay safe everyone.
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Thank you all for your cooperation with the guidance from our Taoiseach. School is closed until March 29th 2020, or until instructed by the government. No doubt, families will find this situation challenging; however, it is in the best interest of our community and country to follow HSE guidelines.
We have compiled a short programme of work which was sent home with the pupils today, conscious that some children may not have internet access.
Please take this opportunity to spend quality time with your child/children, reading stories, playing board games, fresh air if recommended by the HSE.
Any new information will be posted on the school website. Please understand that we do not have the facility to correspond with families individually at this time.
Míle Buíochas,
Stay safe and warm,
Mary McDonnell
Thank you all for your cooperation with the guidance from our Taoiseach. School is closed until March 29th 2020, or until instructed by the government. No doubt, families will find this situation challenging; however, it is in the best interest of our community and country to follow HSE guidelines.
We have compiled a short programme of work which was sent home with the pupils today, conscious that some children may not have internet access.
Please take this opportunity to spend quality time with your child/children, reading stories, playing board games, fresh air if recommended by the HSE.
Any new information will be posted on the school website. Please understand that we do not have the facility to correspond with families individually at this time.
Míle Buíochas,
Stay safe and warm,
Mary McDonnell
School Closure
12 March, 2020 - Statement from the Department of Education and Skills
Coronavirus Information
The Department of Education and Skills has asked schools to share the attached health and safety information about Coronavirus with parents and guardians.
Please click here to download information.
Please click here to download information.
Spring Has Sprung In OLV Infants!
Important Notice!
To enrol your child for Our Lady of Victories Infant School, September 2020, you must contact Gwen, school secretary in one of three ways. Gwen will record and date your child’s enrolment details in the School Admission Book.
Application forms will be posted on 23rd January 2020.
Applications must be returned before or on 14th February 2020.
Please Click Here to Read our Enrolment Policy
- Ring Gwen 018372372 and make an appointment to put your child’s details in Admission book
- Email school with child’s details and contact number [email protected]
- Call in in person to Gwen between 9.00 and 1.45 (Office closed 12.30-1.00)
Application forms will be posted on 23rd January 2020.
Applications must be returned before or on 14th February 2020.
Please Click Here to Read our Enrolment Policy
Our New Years Resolutions Podcast
January 2020
by Room 11- First Class

We welcome back to school all our wonderful girls and boys! It’s 2020!
Let us all have a fun learning and growing together! Remember our OLV Anthem:-
“Kind hands, feet, hearts and words”.
“Kind hands, feet, hearts and words”.
Headline News! - Santa visits OLV playground!
We had an extraordinary surprise yesterday when Santa visited the playground. Some children guessed he was on the way because they heard sleighbells!
He climbed up the ladder to the slide, drank some bainne and had a treat, then slid down. His tummy was rather large as he slid under the bar- he nearly got stuck. (We think he should eat more fruit and vegetables next year). He had tinsel around his neck, like a scarf.
He came to tell us that our Christmas concerts were amazing. He Ho Ho Ho’dand we all sang Jingle Bells. It was really exciting. He could not stay for long as he had to go back to the North Pole.
By Dylan and Freya from Ms Shannon’s first class
He climbed up the ladder to the slide, drank some bainne and had a treat, then slid down. His tummy was rather large as he slid under the bar- he nearly got stuck. (We think he should eat more fruit and vegetables next year). He had tinsel around his neck, like a scarf.
He came to tell us that our Christmas concerts were amazing. He Ho Ho Ho’dand we all sang Jingle Bells. It was really exciting. He could not stay for long as he had to go back to the North Pole.
By Dylan and Freya from Ms Shannon’s first class
Newsletter Christmas 2019
Christmas Podcast 2019
Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year to all our pupils and their families!
Maci (Room 15), Charlotte, and Dylan (Room 17) present a special Christmas Podcast.
Silent Night in Polish
Thank you to Martyna (Room 17) and Nikola and Natasha (Room 10)
Science Week: November 2019
We had a fantastic Science Week this year. Here is a podcast of some of the experiments that took place presented by Room 10, 14 and 15.
Monthly News Podcast!
Keep up to date with all the current news events in OLV Infants. Check out the most recent podcast presented by the wonderful children in Rm 14!
Playground Safety
Rm 6 knows the importance of using the playground equipment properly to keep us safe... so we decided to make a video for the other girls and boy to watch to remind them too. Especially children who are new to our school! Check out the video we made...
Welcome Back to School!
We are delighted to have everyone back safe and well after a fantastic summer break! Senior Infants and First Class are already enjoying a trip to the Botanic Gardens to explore all the glory of early autumn and the magnificent sculpture displays. A super start to the new school year!
OLV Easter Maths Challenge Winners!
Congratulations to every class for taking part in the Easter maths Challenge. It was great fun. We will have a Summer Challenge next term.
The Winning Classes are:-
Junior Infants: Room 4, Ms Shiel’s !
Senior Infants: Room 8, Ms Dolan’s !
First Class: Room 14, Ms Farrelly’s !
Thank you to all the Parents who assisted in the Easter Egg Hunt.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy Easter Break.
We have many exciting educational events next term!
Slán go fóill!
The Winning Classes are:-
Junior Infants: Room 4, Ms Shiel’s !
Senior Infants: Room 8, Ms Dolan’s !
First Class: Room 14, Ms Farrelly’s !
Thank you to all the Parents who assisted in the Easter Egg Hunt.
Wishing everyone a safe and happy Easter Break.
We have many exciting educational events next term!
Slán go fóill!
Annual Fundraising Coffee Morning
Thank you to everyone for their wonderful support and generosity at our recent event. All money raised on the day is going towards improving furniture in the school hall. A special thank you to the parents who helped organise the event and helped out on the day. It was a wonderful success and well done to everyone.
Child Safeguarding and Risk Assessment - Recently Updated! Click here to view.
Happy New Year!
Ms Shannon’s Class presented at our whole school assembly today and inspired all the boys and girls, teachers and SNAs. Here is a synopsis of their wishes for us all!
Ms Shannon’s Class presented at our whole school assembly today and inspired all the boys and girls, teachers and SNAs. Here is a synopsis of their wishes for us all!
Important Notice:
Application forms for enrolment will be posted out this week. Forms must be returned by the 15th February 2019.
Our Lady of Victories Infant School Enrolment Policy November 2018
Baking Christmas Cookies
After some procedural writing the children were well prepared to bake their cookies. We gathered our ingredients, utensils and followed the receipe carefully. Such a sense of achievment came from baking, decorating and eating our delicious biscuits !!
Winter Walk Mapping!
We learned all about different kinds of maps in Room 10. We had a wonderful adventure plotting a map for the Winter Walk. First we left the school and headed east through the entrance gates of the school and across the dual carriageway.
Then we headed south, passing the Church, the Scout hall and the Avenue leading to DCU College. Next we entered the park through the pedestrian gate. We walked briskly in an easterly direction towards the evergreen Pine trees and along the rectangular path around the park. We saw a squirrel, football pitches and dog-walkers in the park. We also saw students going to college. Maybe we will go to DCU college when we are big.
We returned back to school with rosy cheeks. Then we made our maps. We hope you find them helpful. We look forward to our Winter walk on Friday the 30th. We invite everyone in senior infants to look at our maps displayed on the upstairs corridor. There are also three maps opposite the Winter display table. If you are unsure of the route of the walk, please look at our maps.
Anastasia, Ionela and Olivia.
Then we headed south, passing the Church, the Scout hall and the Avenue leading to DCU College. Next we entered the park through the pedestrian gate. We walked briskly in an easterly direction towards the evergreen Pine trees and along the rectangular path around the park. We saw a squirrel, football pitches and dog-walkers in the park. We also saw students going to college. Maybe we will go to DCU college when we are big.
We returned back to school with rosy cheeks. Then we made our maps. We hope you find them helpful. We look forward to our Winter walk on Friday the 30th. We invite everyone in senior infants to look at our maps displayed on the upstairs corridor. There are also three maps opposite the Winter display table. If you are unsure of the route of the walk, please look at our maps.
Anastasia, Ionela and Olivia.
Happy Hallowe'en!
We hope the wonderful bird feeders below will inspire you to have a go at making one of your own over the hallowe’en break!
The Scarecrows' Wedding!
Inspired by author of the month, Julia Donaldson and her wonderful story, The Scarecrows' Wedding, Ms Murray's rm6 took an autumnal twist on the action packed romance and created their own movie! Check it out below.
Happy Hallowe'en
Maths Competition
There were 28 winners in the Gingerbread Man Maths Competition!
The great news is that none of the Gingerbreads got away!
Thank you to everybody who entered the Competition! Thank you to all the parents who helped their children access the school website to enter.
The great news is that none of the Gingerbreads got away!
Thank you to everybody who entered the Competition! Thank you to all the parents who helped their children access the school website to enter.
Maths Week Competition
Have you got Maths Eyes? See can you answer these questions for our Maths Week Competition. Look at the poster below to find the answers. Write your answers on your answer form and place them in the red box by the Apple Tree.
Junior Infants
- What shape are the buttons on the Gingerbread Men?
- How many yellow buttons can you see on the Gingerbread Men?
- How many buttons are on each Gingerbread Man?
- How many Gingerbread Men are there in the first row?
- How many blue buttons are there in the picture?
- How many Gingerbread Men are in the picture?
- How many Gingerbread Men are in the second column?
- How many pairs of feet are in the picture?
- How many smarties were needed to give the two buttons to each Gingerbread Man?
Welcome Back To School!
We are delighted to have everyone back safe and well after a fantastic summer break! Senior Infants and First Class are already enjoying a trip to the Botanic Gardens to explore all the glory of autumn and the magnificent sculpture displays. A super start to the new school year!
Visit from the Garda Mounted Unit
It was so lovely to have a visit from the Garda Mounted Support Unit and the beautiful Oscar & Fiachra 🐴🐴 in school today. The children were really excited and full of questions. It was so interesting to hear the story behind these wonderful animals and their important job! Check out the video below...
School Tour to the Farm!
Every year our tour to Red Mountain Farm is a massive success! What a perfect day out for the children. Everyone had an amazing time. Why not pay a visit to Red Mountain Farm over the holidays. It's well worth the trip! Check out the video below to see how the Junior Infants got on this year.
Green Flag Awards
Two of our fantastic first class students were chosen to represent our school at the recent Greenschool awards flag ceremony, which was held in the Helix. We collected our 6th green flag and had a wonderful day celebrating. Well done to everyone involved.
Pond Dipping with Heritage in Schools!
The junior and senior infants had a wonderful experience exploring the local pond habitat. We were delighted to find all types of mini water beast including our resident tadpoles! What a great way to learn! Thank you to Mairead from Heritage in Schools who lead the explorations. Have a look at the video below to see how we got on!
Pond Dipping from Ms Murray on Vimeo.
Marine Presentation
Check out the PowerPoint on the marine presentation given to us last week. We will be going to the beach in a few weeks on a science trip so it would be a great idea to have a look and chat about it with your child.
Check out the PowerPoint on the marine presentation given to us last week. We will be going to the beach in a few weeks on a science trip so it would be a great idea to have a look and chat about it with your child.
Your browser does not support viewing this document. Click here to download the document.
How can you help? You can help in many ways! Join us at 9am on Wednesday 2nd May to help to prepare the room. Make a cake/buns/biscuits and donate them on the day. Join us in the Parents' Room on the morning of 3rd May and make a small donation. And finally you can MAKE A TEA-COSY!!!! We would like to sell tea-cosies on the day for €5 each to help raise money for this wonderful cause. Looking forward to seeing you there! Here are the tea-cosies our fabulous parents have donated already!
Easter Egg Hunt 2018 |
Congratulations to Ms Maguire's First class
who recently won the NSAI poster competition.
A fantastic effort and well deserved winners .
The class were treated to a really interested work-shop by Stewart from NSAI. He gave the children great insight into the work of an engineer.
Spring Service for Junior Infants
Sprin Service 2018 from Ms Murray on Vimeo.
It was so lovely to see everyone at the spring service on Wednesday. It really was a special celebration for all the children. We were celebrating their first year at school, all symbolised through the signs of spring.
St.Patrick’s Day Celebrations in OLV Infants
We enjoyed our own in-house St. Patrick’s Day shenanigans in the hall on 16.03.18. Junior Infants entertained us with strains of “I am a little Leprechaun”, followed by singing a song as gaeilge (in Irish)- Lá Fhéile Pádraig. Senior Infants followed with a delightful rhythm in song, again in Irish, about a leprechaun. Ms. Maguire’s class displayed their prowess in gaeilge; they have been visiting classes of late, dramatizing their Irish skills. All the First Classes sang an impressive song from Co.Clare “Beidh Aonach Ámárach”. Ms. Dolan’s Class performed an amusing song. Adam, Joshua and Tomasso have been researching snakes (no more in Ireland, thanks to St.Patrick!). Second class from the Girls’ School then entertained us with a hand-clapping dance.
Junior Infants then went on a bus to visit the Botanic Gardens to look for signs of Spring.
We hope families enjoyed celebrating the feast-day of our patron saint.
Have a look at the clip of Ms Dolan’s Class:
Junior Infants then went on a bus to visit the Botanic Gardens to look for signs of Spring.
We hope families enjoyed celebrating the feast-day of our patron saint.
Have a look at the clip of Ms Dolan’s Class:
Junior Infant's Trip to the Botanics!
We had a fantastic trip to the Botanic Gardens and the children were so well behaved! We were looking for all the signs of spring. A big thank you to the parents who accompanied us on the day.
We had an unbelievable response to our snowperson competition! Click here to see our winners!
Love is in the air!
Room 12 recorded a very special podcast for Valentine's Day.
The children created some beautiful water lilies inspired by Claude Monet.
School Closure Update
As per advice OLV Schools will remain closed tomorrow, Thursday 1st and Friday 2nd March. School is closed for Child Protection Training Monday 5th March. See you all Tuesday 6th.
Thank you,
Mary McDonnell.
Thank you,
Mary McDonnell.
Parents and Children of OLV Infants:
Given that we have such inclement weather, please rise to the OLV Infant School Snowman/Snow-woman challenge!
Please take a photo of the snowman/snow-woman/ snow creation you make and email it to [email protected]
You might like this poem
Given that we have such inclement weather, please rise to the OLV Infant School Snowman/Snow-woman challenge!
Please take a photo of the snowman/snow-woman/ snow creation you make and email it to [email protected]
You might like this poem
Snow Joke
Why does it have to be Snowmen?
Why is it never Snowgirls?
Why can't we build a snow princess
With berries for rubies and pearls?Why can't we pick her some holly
And give her a spiky green crown?
What about icicle diamonds
To wear on her glittering gown?
What about crowds of Snow-ladies
With twiggy and twizzly curls?
Why does it have to be Snowmen?
Why is it NEVER Snowgirls?
By Clare Bevan
Why does it have to be Snowmen?
Why is it never Snowgirls?
Why can't we build a snow princess
With berries for rubies and pearls?Why can't we pick her some holly
And give her a spiky green crown?
What about icicle diamonds
To wear on her glittering gown?
What about crowds of Snow-ladies
With twiggy and twizzly curls?
Why does it have to be Snowmen?
Why is it NEVER Snowgirls?
By Clare Bevan
REMINDER: The closing date for enrolment for September 2018 is Wednesday 14th February 2018.
Enrolment is now OPEN for children due to start school in September 2018.
Click here for details.
Monday 15th January: Story Sacks with Lana
from Young Ballymun. Join in to make your child a beautiful 'book bag' to encourage a love of reading. FREE BOOKS!
Wednesday 17th January: First Guest Speakers of the year!
Looking to kick start your New Year's resolution??? Join us at 9am in the Parents' Room for a chat with Owen Roddy who'll give us some great tips on health and fitness.
Hazel Murphy, an expert in all things babies and toddlers, will follow with a chat about the importance of communication and will give us a few baby massage tips. All welcome!
Tuesday 23rd January: Incredible Years Parenting Course. Due to demand we have been given the opportunity to run Incredible Years for the second time this year. If you are interested, please contact Ms Greene asap.
Please see this link for advice from the HSE regarding the flu outbreak.
The Puppet Show was a resounding success today and a well-deserved treat for all.
May I take this opportunity, on behalf of myself and all the Staff in OLV Infants, to wish all our families a very Happy Christmas and an abundance of blessings in 2018.
Callum and Alannah addressed us in a short Christmas Podcast today, at the end of which Ms Mc Hugh’s Class sing Silent Night.
Mary McDonnell
May I take this opportunity, on behalf of myself and all the Staff in OLV Infants, to wish all our families a very Happy Christmas and an abundance of blessings in 2018.
Callum and Alannah addressed us in a short Christmas Podcast today, at the end of which Ms Mc Hugh’s Class sing Silent Night.
Mary McDonnell
Website Competition Results!
Christmas Website Competition!
We are delighted to announce our annual Winter Website Competition! Everyone is invited to enter the free draw by completing the entry form in your child's homework folder. All you have to do is:
- Click on your child's class link below for three questions
- Write your answers on the entry slip in your child's homework folder
- Return the competition slip to the collection box in the corridor.
Winter Walk
Congratulations to all our children for participating in our first ever sponsored walk this morning.
Pupils, teachers, SNAs and parents were in great cheer on this cold and frosty morning. Several people donned magnificent winter hat creations, which added to the atmosphere.
Nearly one hundred Junior Infants sang, marched and walked around the grounds. Have a look at some of the videos! Nearly 200 senior infant and first class pupils and parents walked briskly over to Albert College.
May we extend a warm thank you to Robert from Supervalu, who generously sponsored a strawberry cornetto for every boy and girl; the children were delighted with this treat! Thank you to John, the lollipop man, who stayed on to assist a safe crossing.
Thank you also to our fund-raising treasurer who banks the funds raised daily and to Gwen for tallying totals. Parents were very helpful assisting teachers; our appreciation is genuine. We will announce the winners of the free draw next week. What a success!
We are very proud of all our pupils!
Ms McDonnell
Winter Sponsored Walk
Returned cards will be entered by Gwen into a free draw! Thank you to our fundraising treasurer who is banking money on a daily basis. One week to go to the Winter Walk.
Bird Feeders!
Once again, we are astounded by the beauty, creativity and imagination shown by so many children and families.
Keep the birdfeeders streaming in! Our grounds will look so inviting for the winter birds and we will all enjoy the birdfeeders when we go on our sponsored school walk!
Here is a snapshot of some of the birdfeeders so far!
Once again, we are astounded by the beauty, creativity and imagination shown by so many children and families.
Keep the birdfeeders streaming in! Our grounds will look so inviting for the winter birds and we will all enjoy the birdfeeders when we go on our sponsored school walk!
Here is a snapshot of some of the birdfeeders so far!
Historical News !!!
Pupils from Senior infants have made OLV History! They contributed to the OLV Infant Podcast along with First Class Children. Congratulations! What a fantastic achievement! Listen to the podcast please on “The Students’ Say” Section!
Wishing everyone a safe and happy Hallowe’en break.
Ms Mc Donnell
Pupils from Senior infants have made OLV History! They contributed to the OLV Infant Podcast along with First Class Children. Congratulations! What a fantastic achievement! Listen to the podcast please on “The Students’ Say” Section!
Wishing everyone a safe and happy Hallowe’en break.
Ms Mc Donnell
First Birdfeeder!
Daniel Room 10 made a Pirate birdfeeder! It is magnificent. “ I used a saucer, superglue, a recycled bottle, a coat-hanger and many pirate stickers. I think the birds will love it. Myself, Ewan and Oliver chose a tree for it. I got a prize from the Treasure Chest and a Certificate”.
Daniel Room 10 made a Pirate birdfeeder! It is magnificent. “ I used a saucer, superglue, a recycled bottle, a coat-hanger and many pirate stickers. I think the birds will love it. Myself, Ewan and Oliver chose a tree for it. I got a prize from the Treasure Chest and a Certificate”.
Be sure to check out our new POD CAST about our autumn adventures here!
Family Outing
We strongly recommend that families visit the National Botanic Gardens in the next few weeks. Senior Infant Classes and First Classes will have a school trip in the next few weeks; you will be notified and tracksuits can be worn.
We have an annual school tradition, across the three OLV schools in September of visiting the “Sculpture in Context” Exhibition , which is held in the magnificent grounds.
Click her for more information.
Ms Mc Donnell
We have an annual school tradition, across the three OLV schools in September of visiting the “Sculpture in Context” Exhibition , which is held in the magnificent grounds.
Click her for more information.
Ms Mc Donnell
Flower Power!
Thank you to Room 10 for planting asters in the pots outside the school. The asters have brightened up the school entrance.
We will invite all families to make birdfeeders for the trees this Autumn.The Birdfeeder Competition will be promoted soon
We will invite all families to make birdfeeders for the trees this Autumn.The Birdfeeder Competition will be promoted soon
Click here for details of upcoming coffee mornings for parents and grandparents!
We are all very excited to welcome back all the children after what we hope was a restful summer holiday. A special welcome to all the new junior infants! Please bear with us as we update the school website for the new school year 2017/18. We hope to have the blogs up and running as soon as teachers settle in with their new classes.
School Re-Opens Thursday 31st August
Have a lovely summer!
Have a lovely summer!
Míle Buíochas
On behalf of the pupils, teachers, S.N.A.s, Gwen, Joe and Tom, friends, fellow principals, parents, grand-parents, parish and wider community, we wish Ms McRory every blessing, contentment and health in her retirement.
We will always hold a special part in our hearts for Ms McRory, who has devoted 44 years of dedication and love to Our Lady of Victories Infant School.
Ms McRory had many unique gifts. Generations of teachers and pupils, have been the beneficiaries of her kindness, wisdom, knowledge, dedication, care and encouragement. At the heart of her vision is the children- “Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí.”
The pupils, teachers, former teachers, Chairperson B.O.M., School Chaplain, and Ms McRory’s family, recently held a celebratory prayer service to acknowledge our deep respect and appreciation. At this service, we celebrated Ms McRory’s life and times in our school.
Please watch this short film. The voices of the children encapsulate the essence of our friend; her gentle dignity and deep integrity, her loyalty and kindness, her wisdom and love.
Mary McDonnell
Happy Retirement Ms McRory! from Ms Murray on Vimeo.
Click Here
Podcast/Biodiversity/ GAP Competition
School Tour
Junior Infants enjoyed a fantastic trip to red Mountain Open Farm this year! It was great to get some fresh air and meet all the lovely animals we had learned about in school.
Fun For All Day!
We had a fantastic day of sports and games today in our annual Fun For All Day! We were super lucky with the fine weather and the day went off without a hitch! A very BIG thank you to Ms Callen and everyone involved in organising the day. Also a special thank you to all the parents who volunteered to help. If you would like to volunteer to help in future school events please contact our HSL Ms Green for details. The children had a super day! Click Here to see a few snaps.
Junior Infants School Tour
Rooms 1, 2, 4, 5 & 14
Dear Parents,
For your child’s school tour we have arranged a visit to Red Mountain Open Farm
on Wednesday 31st May 2017.
The cost for each child will be €12.00. Please give the money to your child’s class teacher. (Price includes coach, and entrance fee). You can pay in instalments if that suits you.
The school tour is one of the highlights of the school year, and we have tried to keep the costs to a minimum. Click here for more information.
For your child’s school tour we have arranged a visit to Red Mountain Open Farm
on Wednesday 31st May 2017.
The cost for each child will be €12.00. Please give the money to your child’s class teacher. (Price includes coach, and entrance fee). You can pay in instalments if that suits you.
The school tour is one of the highlights of the school year, and we have tried to keep the costs to a minimum. Click here for more information.
15th May 2017
Dear Parents
Our Fun for All Day takes place Wednesday 17th May (weather permitting). It is not a competitive sports day – rather a fast moving multi-activity day. (We don’t ask parents because of lack of space in the various venues). We would request that the children wear sun protection and bring a drink - preferably water.
The school will be CLOSED
Friday 2nd June – School Holiday
Monday 6th June - Bank Holiday
Tuesday 7th June - School Holiday
Dear Parents
Our Fun for All Day takes place Wednesday 17th May (weather permitting). It is not a competitive sports day – rather a fast moving multi-activity day. (We don’t ask parents because of lack of space in the various venues). We would request that the children wear sun protection and bring a drink - preferably water.
The school will be CLOSED
Friday 2nd June – School Holiday
Monday 6th June - Bank Holiday
Tuesday 7th June - School Holiday
OLV Annual Sunflower Day
Room 13 opened our Annual Sunflowe day. Please watch their clip. They also sang a Sunflower song so sweetly.
We sowed over 300 sunflowers today! As we won the GAP Gardening/Biodiversity Competition last year, we were invited to contribute to the Local Bloom in June festival, so we sowed extra dwarf sunflowers for that event. Children will represent the school at this event in June.
A “care for your Sunflower” sheet was designed by Amelia in First Class. It was copied and distributed to everyone today. Thank you to the parents who
assisted this morning. It was great fun and an enjoyable learning experience.
We sowed over 300 sunflowers today! As we won the GAP Gardening/Biodiversity Competition last year, we were invited to contribute to the Local Bloom in June festival, so we sowed extra dwarf sunflowers for that event. Children will represent the school at this event in June.
A “care for your Sunflower” sheet was designed by Amelia in First Class. It was copied and distributed to everyone today. Thank you to the parents who
assisted this morning. It was great fun and an enjoyable learning experience.
My Movie 4 from Ms Murray on Vimeo.
Happy Easter!
Thank you to all the parents who organised the Easter Egg Hunt this year. The children had great fun and they were delighted with their chocolate egg treats. Have a great Easter break everyone!
Easter Hunt from Ms Murray on Vimeo.
Happy St Patrick's Day!
Spring Service 2017
Junior Infants celebrated the Annual Spring Service in the Hall today. Fr. Fintan facilitated the service. The hall was resplendent in inspiring Spring Art and bedecked with the flowers of Spring. Ms. Croke, Ms. Murray, Ms. McSweeney, Ms. Shiel and Ms. Shannon read poetry and reflections. The Junior Infants presented 12 symbols of Spring and beautifully delivered songs and poems about Spring. The atmosphere was very unique and reflective. Parents and grandparents were charmed when presented with a symbol of Spring: a daffodil. Today’s Spring Service was a memorable event and another example of collaboration in OLV Infants. Well done to everybody involved!
Junior Infants celebrated the Annual Spring Service in the Hall today. Fr. Fintan facilitated the service. The hall was resplendent in inspiring Spring Art and bedecked with the flowers of Spring. Ms. Croke, Ms. Murray, Ms. McSweeney, Ms. Shiel and Ms. Shannon read poetry and reflections. The Junior Infants presented 12 symbols of Spring and beautifully delivered songs and poems about Spring. The atmosphere was very unique and reflective. Parents and grandparents were charmed when presented with a symbol of Spring: a daffodil. Today’s Spring Service was a memorable event and another example of collaboration in OLV Infants. Well done to everybody involved!
Spring Service from Ms Murray on Vimeo.
Happy Valentines Day!
Happy Valentines Day! from Zara Murray on Vimeo.
Happy Valentine's Day!
Celebrating 100 Days at School!
Choral Reading – First Classes
First Class children are “choral reading” in February. They will practise reading Monkey Puzzle, a book by Julia Donaldson.
Encourage your child/children to look at this clip and sing along to the story. Have fun!
First Class children are “choral reading” in February. They will practise reading Monkey Puzzle, a book by Julia Donaldson.
Encourage your child/children to look at this clip and sing along to the story. Have fun!
We have been endured a long, dark and cold winter but longer, brighter evenings are finally on the way as today - February 1 - marks the first day of spring, and is also known as Lá Fhéile Bhríde, Saint Brigid's Feast Day.
Here are a few facts you may not know about St. Brigid’s Day and the saint herself:
1. St. Brigid’s Day, on February 1st, officially marks the start the pagan festival of spring.
2. It is also known as ‘Imbolc’, or the Feast of Brigid, It celebrates the arrival of longer, warmer days and the early signs of spring.
3. ‘Imbolc’ literally means "in the belly" in the old Irish Neolithic language.
4. It is one of the four major "fire" festivals, referred to in Irish mythology. The other three festivals are Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain.
5. Brigid is one of Ireland’s patron saints and was known also as a fertility goddess in Celtic mythology.
6. She is often referred to as ‘Brigit of Kildare’, and was said to be the founder of several monasteries of nuns, including that of Kildare. She is also associated with perpetual, sacred flames, and there is also a shrine dedicated to her in Kildare.
7. According to tradition, Saint Brigid was born at Fochart (or Fothairt), near Dundalk in Co Louth
8. One of the most common traditions of the day is to make a Saint Brigid's Cross.
These crosses are relatively simple to make, and traditionally, Brigid’s crosses are made on Brigid’s Eve, January 31st. They are usually made from fresh rushes, but you can also use straws if you don’t have them. They are made in a cross shape with a square shape in the middle and then four arms coming along each side.
9. Some believe that the crosses have the power to protect the owner’s home from harm.
Here are a few facts you may not know about St. Brigid’s Day and the saint herself:
1. St. Brigid’s Day, on February 1st, officially marks the start the pagan festival of spring.
2. It is also known as ‘Imbolc’, or the Feast of Brigid, It celebrates the arrival of longer, warmer days and the early signs of spring.
3. ‘Imbolc’ literally means "in the belly" in the old Irish Neolithic language.
4. It is one of the four major "fire" festivals, referred to in Irish mythology. The other three festivals are Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain.
5. Brigid is one of Ireland’s patron saints and was known also as a fertility goddess in Celtic mythology.
6. She is often referred to as ‘Brigit of Kildare’, and was said to be the founder of several monasteries of nuns, including that of Kildare. She is also associated with perpetual, sacred flames, and there is also a shrine dedicated to her in Kildare.
7. According to tradition, Saint Brigid was born at Fochart (or Fothairt), near Dundalk in Co Louth
8. One of the most common traditions of the day is to make a Saint Brigid's Cross.
These crosses are relatively simple to make, and traditionally, Brigid’s crosses are made on Brigid’s Eve, January 31st. They are usually made from fresh rushes, but you can also use straws if you don’t have them. They are made in a cross shape with a square shape in the middle and then four arms coming along each side.
9. Some believe that the crosses have the power to protect the owner’s home from harm.
Our School are delighted to be taking part in the Food Dudes Programme who's aim is to promote healthy eating in school and at home. As the programme involves food tasting of fruit and vegetables, please insure you tell your child's teacher if they have any allergies. Click here to get all the information you need about Food Dudes!
Website Raffle Results
Thank you to so many who took part!
1. €50 Cooper-Rae , Room 8
2. €50 Amelia, Room 10
3. Red Mountain Farm-Santa Ola R11
4. Red Mountain Farm-Santa LorenaR10
5. Firehouse Family voucher Adam R8
6. Firehouse Family voucher Seán R5
7. Firehouse voucher Ewan Room1
8. Surprise Molly Room 6
9. Surprise Nicola Room 8
10. Surprise Cian Room 9
11. Surprise Lily Room 8
12. Surprise Bryan Room 13
13. Surprise Jodi Room 11
14. Surprise Layla Room 5
Thank you to so many who took part!
1. €50 Cooper-Rae , Room 8
2. €50 Amelia, Room 10
3. Red Mountain Farm-Santa Ola R11
4. Red Mountain Farm-Santa LorenaR10
5. Firehouse Family voucher Adam R8
6. Firehouse Family voucher Seán R5
7. Firehouse voucher Ewan Room1
8. Surprise Molly Room 6
9. Surprise Nicola Room 8
10. Surprise Cian Room 9
11. Surprise Lily Room 8
12. Surprise Bryan Room 13
13. Surprise Jodi Room 11
14. Surprise Layla Room 5
Silent Night, Holy Night
Next Monday, Room 11 will sing this traditional Christmas carol on their podcast. Children of Polish heritage from first classes will sing a verse in Polish as well. We look forward to this.
First Class children may like this quaint short black and white film, telling the story of the famous carol that was composed nearly 200 years ago.
It was filmed back in 1953. Look at how people are dressed. Look at the scenery and the buildings.
Next Monday, Room 11 will sing this traditional Christmas carol on their podcast. Children of Polish heritage from first classes will sing a verse in Polish as well. We look forward to this.
First Class children may like this quaint short black and white film, telling the story of the famous carol that was composed nearly 200 years ago.
It was filmed back in 1953. Look at how people are dressed. Look at the scenery and the buildings.
Don't Forget to put you Website Competition entries into Santa's basket on the corridor!
What a great Day! Thank you to everyone who made it so special!
50 Years from OLVInfants on Vimeo.
Looking forward to welcoming everyone tomorrow!
BRRR....it's cold outside
A very generous Thank You to the green fingered volunteers, pupils and parents, who,at short notice,planted winter bedding in wintry conditions this morning!
Our pots had looked quite drab but now heathers and cyclamen are blooming and the place looks more welcoming. I will be looking for more volunteers to plant tulip bulbs in a couple of weeks;we are delaying the planting so that they flower later.
We have observed in recent years that Spring bulbs flower earlier. Global warming has contributed to this phenomenon. Senior Infants and First Classes will have facilitated energy awareness workshops next week. Hopefully their knowledge will have a positive influence on the environment, and indeed on parents' energy bills!
Ms Mc Donnell
Our pots had looked quite drab but now heathers and cyclamen are blooming and the place looks more welcoming. I will be looking for more volunteers to plant tulip bulbs in a couple of weeks;we are delaying the planting so that they flower later.
We have observed in recent years that Spring bulbs flower earlier. Global warming has contributed to this phenomenon. Senior Infants and First Classes will have facilitated energy awareness workshops next week. Hopefully their knowledge will have a positive influence on the environment, and indeed on parents' energy bills!
Ms Mc Donnell
What fantastic artwork by Amelia in rm 15 and her mom Agata! We want to make a copy of this for every class!
Click here to read Room 15's Science Week Experiment |
Click here to view Rm 5's weekly blog 18/11/16
Click here to view Rm 5's weekly blog 11/11/16
REMEMBER - Our school book fair will be visiting the school next week. It is a great opportunity to browse a fantastic selection of books, and maybe get one or two as an early christmas gift? Most importantly, it is an opportunity for our school to earn new books for our library. More information will be given next week. |
2016 GAP Competition Winners!!!!
We couldn't be prouder of the pupils at Our Lady of Victories Infant school. Once again they have been awarded overall winners at the 2016 Global Action Plan competition. Well done to everyone, including last year's 1st class children who were involved but have moved onto the Girls' and boys' school. A special thank you to all the parents who helped in the school projects, without your support we wouldn't be able to do such amazing things. Below is the video of all the different Bee creations and projects, Thanks to Ms Bergin for this fantastic compilation video of everyones work. Also a few snaps from the awards ceremony in the Axis. It was such an important theme too, all about protecting our bees.
The Bee Project from OLVInfants on Vimeo.
Click here to view Rm 15's blog!
Click here to view Rm 11's blog!
Fantastic Thriller production by 1st class! Well done to all involved.
My Movie from Zara Murray on Vimeo.
What a spooktacular day we had today! Thank you to all the moms and dads for getting the girls and boys ready this morning! They all looked amazing and the halloween parade was so much fun. Click here to see some photos.
IMG_3855 from OLVInfants on Vimeo.
Click here for Rm 5's weekly blog. Enjoy!! 28/10/16

Click here to read Room 15 Ms. McCarthy's Blog!!
CLICK HERE for Bedtime Story Club Raffle Winners
We are so proud of Ms Maguire's 1st Class girls and boys! They were selected to be interviewed by RTE News2Day at the Botanic Garden's halloween pumkin display. click here to view on RTE Player, or view below. Well done to all involved!
IMG_3671 from OLVInfants on Vimeo.
Potion Making from Sile McSweeney on Vimeo.
Well done to all the moms and dads who went to Friday's Bed Time Story Club to borrow a book! All your little ones were delighted with their sticker reward! Happy reading!
IMG_3545 from Zara Murray on Vimeo.
I spy... a bunch of grapes!
Botanic gardens autumn trip.
Reminder: First Wednesday Parents Meeting at 9am in the Parents' Room on Wednesday 5th October. Sign up for up-coming classes, hear about fundraising plans and Garda vetting requirements for volunteer parents.
To the parents who missed the Junior Infant parent meeting today, please see the powerpoint below to read points that were discussed. Any questions please feel free to speak with the class teacher. Thank you.
IMG_2767 from Zara Murray on Vimeo.