Welcome to Skipping School
Lesson Two
Welcome back for more skipping! We're going to practice some jumps from last week, introduce some new ones and have some fun. I hope you enjoy!
What's in this video?
0:00 - 4:44 Warm up and practicing jumps
4:46 - 5:35 Pink Panther jump
5:35 - 6:36 How the jumps link to different types of skipping (you may want to pause the video after each type and spend a few minutes practicing each one)
6:39 - 7:39 Workout description
7:40 - 10:12 Workout with me!
0:00 - 4:44 Warm up and practicing jumps
4:46 - 5:35 Pink Panther jump
5:35 - 6:36 How the jumps link to different types of skipping (you may want to pause the video after each type and spend a few minutes practicing each one)
6:39 - 7:39 Workout description
7:40 - 10:12 Workout with me!
Lesson One
Hello boys and girls from OLV!
I hope you are all doing well. We have decided to start our own online skipping school. Have a look below for the first lesson to get us started.
We would love as many people to get involved as possible. If you have any skipping rhymes that you would like to tell us about send me a picture/video at [email protected]
I hope you are all doing well. We have decided to start our own online skipping school. Have a look below for the first lesson to get us started.
We would love as many people to get involved as possible. If you have any skipping rhymes that you would like to tell us about send me a picture/video at [email protected]
What's in this video?
- 0:00 - 1:30 Hello and how to size your rope
- 1:30 - 4:00 Warm up jumps, have some fun
- 4:00 - 6:00 Turning the rope (skipping for beginners)
- 6:00 - 7:00 Workout explanation
- 7:00 - 10:00 Fun Workout - Follow along with me (suitable for all levels)
We would love to know how you're getting on with your skipping. Please feel free to send me or your teacher an update or some pictures/videos.
[email protected]
I hope you enjoy! Can't wait to see you all for the next lesson :)
[email protected]
I hope you enjoy! Can't wait to see you all for the next lesson :)
Two Generations of Skipping at OLV
Have a look at the following video to hear a little bit about where skipping came from and some skipping rhymes that they used to sing in OLV. Also featured is some really good skipping! Thanks so much for your video!