Hi boys and girls! I would just like to remind everyone that the new school email addresses are now working. I can be reached at [email protected]. You can find the guidelines for email communications/website posts in our school newsletter.
English Here is a roll and read for our sound of the week 'oi'. We've played this a lot in school. Instead of colouring the words when you roll the number, you could just read the words on the line of the number you roll. Have a go!
You could also try making up a silly sentence using as many of the words as you can. This is my sentence - "I mixed the oil with soil and put it on to boil." Now your turn :- )
You could also try making up a silly sentence using as many of the words as you can. This is my sentence - "I mixed the oil with soil and put it on to boil." Now your turn :- )
Maths I hope you're having fun revising time! Here are a couple of worksheets to help, you can just say the answers.
Story Time Our story for today comes from Ms Fallon. We are used to having Ms Fallon in Room 15 every week so here is a lovely story by Judith Kerr called The Tiger Who Came To Tea. Enjoy!
And finally our Joke of the Day
Question What do you call a fairy that hasn't taken a bath?
Answer Stinkerbell! Ha! Ha! Chat tomorrow. XX Ms Byrne
Question What do you call a fairy that hasn't taken a bath?
Answer Stinkerbell! Ha! Ha! Chat tomorrow. XX Ms Byrne