Hi everyone. There is actually such a lot on the timetable this week I'm reluctant to put any more work up. It was highlighted to me by a parent that they couldn't see the timetable on this page today. If anyone else had an issue please drop me an email at [email protected]. Thanks!
English Here is a nice display of OR words for our sound of the week made by Ms Connolly. Have a go at reading them and putting them in sentences.
English Here is a nice display of OR words for our sound of the week made by Ms Connolly. Have a go at reading them and putting them in sentences.
Maths We're learning about 3D shapes this week, I hope you're enjoying revising them. Do you remember this song we played in Room 15? Did you spot the extra shape? Yes, it's a pyramid.

And today we have a riddle which is a kind of puzzle. See if you get the meaning of this one.
Question What stays where it is even after it goes off?
Answer An alarm clock
Ha Ha! Chat tomorrow. XX Ms Byrne
Question What stays where it is even after it goes off?
Answer An alarm clock
Ha Ha! Chat tomorrow. XX Ms Byrne