The school is in the process of being signed up to 'Google Suite for Education', but is in a queuing system with other schools. New e-mail addresses for staff are part of the suite. I will notify you when it has been finalised.
Parents, I added a video below on a poem written recently by a retired Irish-American schoolteacher, Kitty O'Meara. As with all online content, it should be checked by adults firstly. You may prefer to leave viewing for adults only and discuss certain themes with younger family members instead. The video has been shared around the world and is certainly relatable for many people at the moment.
Tricky Word Dictation
Notes for adult helper:
1. Ask child to number the page/whiteboard from 1-11. They can write it one after the other, or skip every second line. We usually skip every second line in class, so that there is more space for writing and for reading it afterwards.
2. Press pause if the child needs more time.
3. I will repeat the word three times and include a sentence with each word. The sentence doesn't need to be written down. Sometimes the word is more easily recognisable within the context of a sentence.
4. There is no need to prompt the child or help with spelling. We want this to be a true reflection of their knowledge. Don't worry if they make mistakes- part of tricky word territory!
5.Please keep up reading practice, as children will encounter lots of tricky words in reading.
Maths - LENGTH
'How did you get on with the problem-solving activity in last weeks video 'Cats and Domino'? They are clever cats!
There are lots of maths problems to be solved around us- inside our homes and outside.
This week, we are going to do some more work on the topic of length. With adult help, I would like you to find objects in your house/near your house (stay safe) and compare them in the following ways:
long/short, tall/short, wide/narrow, longer, shorter, wider than
You could draw them side by side, or take pictures. For example, a long twig and short twig, a wide tree and a narrow tree. Write a sentence about each comparison- The left tree is wider than the right tree.
You can write about your discoveries in the comment section if you prefer!
Can you order all the objects you have found according to length or height? Use the following language to identify them: as long as/ as wide as/ longest/ shortest
In Senior Infants, we estimate and measure length in non-standard units, e.g. unifix cubes, lollipop sticks, pencils, cubit, hand and foot span. Can you use any of these units of measurement for estimating and measuring the length of objects at home? For example, if you are measuring the length of your kitchen table with hand span, estimate/guess how many you will need first. Maybe it could be a competition between you and a family member to estimate the closest number!
Take a look at the attached video for revision.