Maths Game 1:
Listening ears on boys and girls!
Number your page 1-5, close your eyes and count the claps silently in your head. Best of luck :)
Listening ears on boys and girls!
Number your page 1-5, close your eyes and count the claps silently in your head. Best of luck :)
Maths Game 2:
You will need:
Dice x2
How to Play:
1.Both players write down any five numbers between 2 and 12. (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12)
2. First player rolls both dice.
3. Add the two numbers together. If they add up to one of the numbers you have chosen- cross out that number on your page.
4. The first player to cross out all of their numbers first wins!