Read the following facts with me by clicking the audio below:
1. We need the sun for light, heat and energy.
2.The sun is a star.
3. It is the closest star to Earth.
4. The sun is gigantic. It could fit 1 million Earth's in it!!
5. Without the sun's light, heat and energy plants, animals and humans would not live.
6. The sun is the real star of the show!
1. We need the sun for light, heat and energy.
2.The sun is a star.
3. It is the closest star to Earth.
4. The sun is gigantic. It could fit 1 million Earth's in it!!
5. Without the sun's light, heat and energy plants, animals and humans would not live.
6. The sun is the real star of the show!
Watch from the start of this video until 1.23minutes to discover more about the sun!
Draw the sun and write 3/4 facts about what you learnt about the sun today from the facts above and the video.