You Will Need:
Dice x 2
Dice x 2
How to Play Round the Clock:
- The first player throws both dice, hoping to throw a 1. Players then take turns (in a clockwise direction) trying to throw a 1.
- On the next round, those players who threw a 1 will try to throw a 2. Any player who did not throw a 1 in the first round will try again this round. Players can do so by throwing a 2 or two 1s.
- Play continues round-by-round with players trying to throw all the numbers from 1 to 12 in sequence. Players may count the spots on just one die or on both dice added together. For example, throwing a 3 and a 6 could be counted as 3, 6, or 9.
- The first player to go “Round the Clock” – throw all the numbers from 1 to 12 in order – wins the game!