Read the following fun facts about a lion with me by clicking the audio below:
1. A baby lion is called a cub, or a lionet.
2. A group of lions is called a "pride".
3. Lions are carnivores. (Can you remember what the word carnivore means?)
4. Female lions are the main hunters. While they are hunting, the male lions guard and protect their territory and the cubs.
5. They eat big animals such as zebras.
6. Lions usually hunt at night.
7. Lions that live in the wild are mostly found in Africa.
8. Even though they are called the "king of the jungle" most of them do not actually live in the jungle!
1. A baby lion is called a cub, or a lionet.
2. A group of lions is called a "pride".
3. Lions are carnivores. (Can you remember what the word carnivore means?)
4. Female lions are the main hunters. While they are hunting, the male lions guard and protect their territory and the cubs.
5. They eat big animals such as zebras.
6. Lions usually hunt at night.
7. Lions that live in the wild are mostly found in Africa.
8. Even though they are called the "king of the jungle" most of them do not actually live in the jungle!
Now watch the following video:
Complete the following:
1. Draw a picture of a lion and write 3-4 of your favourite facts you've learnt about lions from your reading and from watching the video.
Enjoy :)