Gaeilge; Bua Na Cainte published by Edco
Maths; Operation Maths home book by Edco
Religion; Grow in Love
Handwriting; Ready Steady Write Cursive Published by Folens
Happy Tuesday everybody! Thank you all so much on your feedback, to answer some questions regarding books. I am aware none of you got to bring books home so below I have a list of the books we use in school and the websites you can find them. Don’t worry about your books though as in school we use our copies a lot and photocopies from other books as well. On the blog I am using all sorts of books. Gaeilge; Bua Na Cainte published by Edco Maths; Operation Maths home book by Edco Religion; Grow in Love Handwriting; Ready Steady Write Cursive Published by Folens Make sure to check out School Hub by RTÉ FROM 11-12 each day. It’s a great resource aimed at 1st-6th class but Room 10 would be well able for most of it. This should help break up the day. CalendarStorytimeYour story for the day is called "Guess Again" by Mac Barnett I think I called it guess who In the video by mistake 🤣 EnglishGaeilgeSese
Happy Monday everybody, I hope you had a lovely weekend. As it is the start of the week today’s blog will be nice and simple. Please tell me your news remembering our w questions. Who? Where? What? When? You can write what ever you like. On the home page you will find videos from Coach Gerry for the Children to practice their GAA skills. I will link it down below. This and the body coach workouts at 9am should be great for the children. WOW WORKI am amazed at you all, you are all working so hard and are full of creativity! I have received photos of clubhouses, art work, exercising, a street clean up and even a educational drama of how to keep safe during this time. 😁😆 WOW! What a creative bunch you are. I am very proud of all the children and parents of Room 10. Enjoy looking at some of these photos and have a look at the special production below. Just a little check in with everybody, I hope everything is alright. I wanted to ask your opinions; are you happy with the daily activities? Is it too much? Too little? Are the photos easy to print? Are the videos a help or a hindrance? Just wanted to touch base so let me know in the comments down below!☺️ Literacy; visualisingThis is an activity taken from an amazing website here it has the start of drawing; if it is not a snake ... what is it? Let your imaginations flow, you can turn it into anything you want. Enjoy! 😁 Story TimePrimEd have very kindly put together some home packs for parents with some of their books. I have included them below in case anyone is looking for extra work than is here. They are optional of course. After your feedback I will have more of idea of what you would like to see whether that is more worksheets, book suggestions, videos, art ideas etc. Remember I am here to help by whatever means necessary so please comment or email and I will do my best to help you from afar. This is an uncertain time and we really don’t know when we will be back (hopefully after Easter) so in the mean time I’m here to help! ☺️ ![]()
Happy Friday everybody! Well done on completing a full week of Home School. You have all been amazing. Thanks to everybody who is sending me emails they really make my day. Seeing your work brings a smile to my face ☺️. I hope everyone is keeping well and I want to say again, please do not be stressing about getting everything up here completed. It is all optional and it 100% depends on everyones home life right now. It’s a stressful time and everyone is seriously multi tasking. We are all just doing our best and this blog is all I can do. I hope it helps! CalendarCalendar ChallengeQ1. What day is 2nd? Q2. What day of the week will it be on the 1st April? Q3. How many Friday’s are in March? MathsGaeilgeIt is really important that no one is worrying about Irish. I do not expect you to be teaching Irish at home, all I would like is to get the kids up and out of their chairs and doing what we do in class. It’s to keep them speaking Irish.😊😊 Story TimeToday’s story is one of my favourites. It’s called Grumpycorn. We have a lot of children in our class that live unicorns so I think they will like this. It’s also about writing a story, feelings and friendships. Today’s activity is about writing your own story, it can be as long or short as you want. I have provided a few different templates use whatever suits. Remember it can be about anything, think about characters, setting, problem and solution. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. Good morning everybody and happy Thursday. I hope you are all keeping well and are safe. We have been lucky with our weather so far this week and yesterday was a beautiful day so I hope you got outside to enjoy it. Please remember everything on here are suggestions for you, they are not mandatory and you only do what you can. Even if you just join in with the videos that’s perfect. Most important thing is to spend time with your family, play, have fun and get some fresh air. ☺️ Here is some more WOW WORK. 👍😁 CalendarCalendar Challenge1. How many Tuesday’s are there in March? 2. What day is the 30th of March? 3. What day of the week was the first day of March? Now for the rest of maths. GaeilgeStory TimeToday’s story is called "There’s a Bear in my Chair" I hope you enjoy it. Try brainstorming some of the feelings of both characters. I wonder can you spot any rhyming words in these pictures boys and girls, if you find some make sure to tell your parents.😁 Good morning everybody and happy Wednesday. We have reached the middle of the week so high five everybody. Some WOW work from our class.Starting off with our calendar again today Calendar ChallengeQuestion 1: How many days altogether are there in March? Question 2: How many Sundays are there in March? Question 3: Can you tell me what day of the week is it in the 20th of March? MathsFirst up some counting. Today in maths we are looking at ordering numbers. Extra worksheet if you want. GaeilgeÉist leis an scéal. Listen to the story all about Easter. This comes from the brilliant website, if anyone has any difficulty signing in let me know. Anois dáthaigh an pictúir. Now you can colour the picture. Story TimeToday story focuses on Spring, it’s a lovely story about Rabbit who is learning all about spring for the first time. After you have listened to the story maybe you could draw or write your favourite part of Spring. 😊 Good morning everybody! I hope everyone got on ok yesterday. Did you all join in with Joe Wicks on YT for his PE Lesson?. Today’s lessons are a bit different as I recorded some videos for you. (Excuse the random cats appearing throughout 😂) Today’s lessons will be Maths counting and Empty Number Line, Gaeilge and English with a story. I hope you enjoy. MathsWe start our Maths with our calendar. Next we have some counting. Next up some work on our Empty Number Lines. Now try some yourself. GaeilgeNext up is some Gaeilge revision. Make sure you follow along with me. Story TimeHere is today’s story it’s called The Koala Who Could, it’s a beautiful book that has a really topical theme all about change. I would like you to draw your favourite part of the book.😁 Good morning Room 10. I hope you had a lovely weekend. It was such beautiful weekend, yesterday being Mother’s Day was very different for a lot of families so we went for a walk with my parents but had to keep 2metres apart ☹️ While this wasn’t perfect it was nice to see them. ([email protected]) I wrote my news for the weekend so I hope you will write one for me to read today. I also got some lovely emails from you all have a look. English; Narrative Writing and DrawingFor this task I am using one of Jarrett Lerner’s activities from his website. You don’t need the template printed out if you don’t have a printer you can just use a blank page with boxes. It’s called finish the comic I can’t wait to see what stories you create. Maths; Patterns, numbers and moneyToday for maths we will be doing some revision. These are the activities I would like you to try again on a blank page or copy book is perfect. If you find these easy maybe you could try some more empty number lines for me. If you have made it all the way to the end of this blog than you deserve a virtual high five! ☺️ Tomorrow I have some exciting videos for you, I have turned my kitchen into Room 10 online classroom 😁 here I will be doing a daily calendar, some counting, some Irish lessons for you all and I will also be reading you some stories. Parents I hope these videos will help ease the stress of home schooling. You are all doing amazing, I know how hard it is trying to juggle working from home and teaching your children as I was doing it myself this week with my niece and nephew. This is a difficult time and we all can only do our best. Please do not feel pressured to do these activities these are just suggestions and also do not feel pressurised to email daily, once a week is fine or not at all. I am happy to answer emails all the time or not at all. It is up to you I am only here to help. 😁
Ms. McCarthy Good morning boys and girls. Yesterday was such a beautiful day I hope you got outside for some fresh air. I was so happy to receive some more pictures from our class and I am going to share what they have been doing so you can see what your friends have been up to. If you have photos send to [email protected]. A nice idea for next week for the children (or parents who are trying to work from home 😊) Joe Wicks the Body Coach is going live on his YouTube channel next week from 9:00am for 30 mins Mon-Fri to complete PE lessons for the children to do. Maths lessonFor today’s lesson I had a little help from my niece and nephew, ☺️ Sophie who is also in Senior Infants helped me with the video. We are looking at a new way to add our sums together, this method is one we use all the time in 1st class as the numbers get bigger. I will place the videos below along with pictures of all the slides for you to practice. Please remember I am giving lots of examples you only need to do 1/2 a day. These can be done on whiteboards, in copies or blank pages. HandwritingI saw in some of the writing samples I was sent some beautiful cursive handwriting already so I just wanted to show you what you can get online and how you can be practising at home. As always I hope you are all safe and healthy. I miss our classroom but this online one isn’t so bad ☺️, I look forward to hearing about your days.
Ms. McCarthy x Hi everybody, hope you are all well today. I got some lovely emails last night from Zoe and Owen and it really made my day. 😁 I love seeing all the things you have gotten up to and I look forward to seeing what everyone else is doing. ([email protected]) I just wanted to let you all know that the activities I place up here are a supportive activity and am well aware that you are all already doing great things at home with your families. Please do not feel under pressure if you don’t get everything completed this is just to help out. As an example my niece and nephew have been staying with me and yesterday we got up to all sorts of things. We made a small world for dinosaurs using things from our recycling bin. (Junk art) we had so much fun and as you can see the results were very exciting. Ideas for daily activities can be simply helping out around the house, cooking, baking, colouring, writing a daily diary, GoNoodle, doing some yoga etc. Today’s activitySome of you will have seen some amazing authors and artists have been posted lots of helpful activities. Yesterday my niece and I completed a drawing activity by Jarrett Lerner from his website; we completed the draw a crazy hat lesson. Here you get a image of a girl and you draw a crazy hat on her head. Now I’m aware some of us do not have printers and home which you do not need so you can draw your crazy hat on a blank page and then you can email it on to me to post on the website. ([email protected]) Here is what we drew; I can’t wait to see what you come up with!!! Oral LanguageFolensonline, like a lot of education websites are offering all their books for free online so here is a little poster you can use to continue developing your child’s oral language and the questions you can ask or some nice activities. In school we were going to begin learning about homes, houses and all the different types that we have so this will be a nice introduction to this for next week. I hope these activities help you in your home schooling. Parents you are all amazing and are doing a great job as this is a difficult time for us all. If you need anything from me please do not hesitate to email and will help whatever way I can. Next week when my house is a little quieter ☺️ I will be doing videos for you all. Can’t wait to see what you get up to.
Missing you all like crazy, Ms.McCarthy x Good morning boys and girls, I hope you all had a really fun day yesterday on St. Patrick’s Day! It was certainly a different one but I hope you still had fun. I know in my house we had lots of fun, my favourite thing was we baked green cupcakes, with green, white and orange icing and decorated them with lots of yummy treats. The first thing I would like you all to do is to tell me your news from St. Patrick’s Day. You can write it on a page and send a photo to my email or type a comment below ( you will need help from a parent though :) !! ) Don’t forget our questions who? What? Where? And when? When writing don’t forget Our Writing Goals:
1. Capital letters 2. Finger spaces 3. Neat cursive writing 4. Full stops Also I would love if you added pictures, I’ve missed seeing all your amazing drawings and excellent colouring. I can’t wait to read all of them! *To all the parents I will be keeping in touch here and I will be posting videos to help the children so please keep in contact if you need anything and definitely send me on any pictures of the class or their work! Ms. Mc Donnell sent me some of your beautiful paintings from school of St. Patrick and it definitely brightened up my day!!! Ms. McCarthy |
AuthorWelcome to Room 10's Class Blog! Here we will be sharing with you all the wonderful things we do in school and all of the exciting things we are learning! We hope you enjoy reading it!!! Archives
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