Note to parents:
- We will be doing lots of work on plain pieces of paper. If you don't have paper at home or it's getting very messy keeping everything together feel free to use a blank copy for any of the work or the whiteboards if necessary.
- This work is to help your child stay up to date with the curriculum and keep in touch with others in the class, it's not meant to add any extra stress at an already stressful time.
- So please complete work whenever it suits you and your family or feel free to pick and choose what suits your child's needs
- That being said I really appreciate the engagement and support from all the parents and children at home, and I am loving seeing the work completed :)
- Writing practice (sounding out)
- Reading practice
* Have your whiteboard and pen ready
Our topic this month is occupations (jobs). We are going to have a look at some of the different jobs that people do!
* Have a little listen to the video below can you say the names of the jobs. Can you tell someone else what that person does in their job?
e.g. a fireman puts out fires
* Have a little listen to the video below can you say the names of the jobs. Can you tell someone else what that person does in their job?
e.g. a fireman puts out fires
The next video we are looking at some flashcards. We are looking at 3 things:
- Who are they? (I am a doctor.)
- Where do they work (I work in a hospital.)
- What do they do? (I help sick people.)
Draw me a picture!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
There are lots of different jobs that people can do. Have a little think about what job you would like to have when you grow up. Can you draw a picture of it?
* Remember: try to add some labels to your drawing when you are finished
There are lots of different jobs that people can do. Have a little think about what job you would like to have when you grow up. Can you draw a picture of it?
* Remember: try to add some labels to your drawing when you are finished
We are looking at number patterns again. Get your whiteboard ready! I'm going to show you a pattern, can you try and draw it and write the number.
* Have your whiteboard ready!
* Have your whiteboard ready!
Get some of your coins ready, we are going to be looking at making different amounts today.
You need:
You need:
- 1c and 2c coins
- The following sheet made on paper or whiteboard
Finding counting tricky?
* Remember 1c gets one tap and 2c gets 2 taps
Also remember this is new so just try your best :)
Say hello to my new friend Teidí.
- Dia duit Teidí
Have a look back at the video from yesterday for Eadaí to have a practice of our new words first.
Then have a look at the video below.
Then have a look at the video below.
- What is Teidí wearing? Cad atá ar Teidí?
- Tá ______ ar Teidí.