Maths Fun!
Lost & Found By Oliver Jeffers

Materials and 3D Shapes
Ms Fallon's Challenge!
Can you make a Numicon animal?
Have a great weekend,
Ms Murray
Maths Fun!A big thank you to the parents who came in to play maths games with the children. They had a great time! Lost & Found By Oliver JeffersThis week we have been reading lots and lots of books written and illustrated by the wonderfully talented Oliver Jeffers. We should call Ms Fallon the book lady because she comes to our class every day bearing new books and occasionally stays to read them for us! ![]() We learnt to draw our own penguins! PhonicsOur phonics focus last week was learning about double letter sounds. When we see two consonants together they only make one sound becuase if there wasn't double letters it would change the sound rule of the word. They are great at spotting these double letter words in their books. Materials and 3D ShapesWe continue to learn about 3D shapes and after assessing the children on Friday I am happy that most of the children are able to identify and name the following shapes: sphere, cone, cylinder, cube, cuboid, pyramid. Why not ask them to name objects around the house and if you see they are not confident identifying any of these shapes to could focus a little extra practice this coming week. In the activity below we are extending our learning to identifying various materials that make our toys. HandwritingI am encouraging the children to join their letters together and practice their cursive writing. They are excellent writers and have been working very hard in class. Ms Fallon's Challenge!Ms Fallon is always trying to set us a little maths challenge to extend our learning... we say BRING IT ON! Can you make a Numicon animal? Can you make me a 3D Shape? Next week's leaning topic: We will be learning all about clothes and fabric over the next two week. We will be making a clothes shop and would love to add to our store collection, so if you had a few spare items of CLOTHING for our shop please bring them in. We would love a mix of dresses, trousers, jumpers, boots, shoes etc of different materials. Also if anyone had any nice FABRIC they could donate to our learning we would be thrilled to recieve it! I look forward to seeing everyone for the PTM's on Monday.
Have a great weekend, Ms Murray
A week of 3D shapesWe had great fun this week learning about our 3D shapes. The focus shapes were a cube, cuboid, sphere and cylinder but we also extended are learning to pyramid and cone. I hope your child was able to find some shapes around the house and when they were out and about. Looking for 3D Shapes everywhere!More maths fun in Rm 6Followed by some more.... FUN!And just a sprinkle of hard work!HomeworkI hope everyone got a chance to read the note home about homework this week. I have spoken to a few parents and the feedback is very positive. It seem the extra time to complete homework works well. I will collect the homework on Monday copies on Monday but the folders will remain in their bag. I will return the homework copies to their folders on Tuesday so you can continue with the next set of homework tasks (see dates on sheet/copy). The children are really enjoying their readers and moving through them at a good pace. Some children are even finding the time to complete some extra homework tasks. Well done. ![]() * Next week we will continue to learn about 3D shapes and I'm looking for some fabric 3D shapes (such as a baby's fabric cube etc.) if anyone have one I could borrow. Also we will be learning all about Oliver Jeffer who is a very well known Irish illustrator & author. If you have any of his books we would love for you to bring them in to share with us or if you have the time you could visit the library to try and find some of his books. One of his books might even inspire your child for this week's homework task! Thanks you. Enjoy your weekend,
Kind Regards, Ms Murray |