Kind Regards,
Ms Murray
Wishing all the girls, boys and their parent a happy and safe summer holiday. Thank you for all the support and engagement during this school year.
Kind Regards, Ms Murray
Fun Summer Holiday Activity Sheets!
Please click on any of the images below to download and print.
Summer Holiday Are Coming!
This week marks the last week of the 2019/20 school year and hopefully the last week of 'Home Schooling'! I'm sure we are all looking forward to starting the new school year in as 'normal' a way as possible. So to celebrate what has been a very different school year for us all I am going to post some of our best moments in this weeks blog and ask you to sit together and enjoy reminiscing about some of our happiest moments in Senior Infants! I hope you enjoy them.
Botanic Gardens!
September started off with a lovely trip to the Botanic Gardens!
Some of my Favourite Moments!Making a Movie!Fun & Games in Rm 6!Christmas Concert 2019!What Are your Favourite Memories of Senior Infants?
I would love if I could compile some 'Favourite Memories' from each child in Rm6 for our final Friday Feedback this week. Your child might choose to upload a little video, a photo or complete this activity sheet. They might share a fond memory or something they really enjoyed about being in Senior Infants. Hopefully I will have a few thoughts to share with you on Friday. Please upload below.
Super Star of the Week!Class ChallengeThis week I ask everyone to name their dinosaur and tell us a little bit about it:
Next week will be our last week of school so please make sure you visit our last homework blog on Monday! Have a lovely weekend,
Kind Regards, Ms Murray This week Josh wil be celebrating his special day on the 19th. Happy 6th Birthday Josh!! I hope you have a wonderful day. Dinosaurs!This week we're going to learn about Dinosaurs! So let's jump straight to the fun challenges below! Of course you are free to continue with any tasks similar to the previous weeks and set some pages in the workbooks. You can also try some of the maths and literacy activities on the additional support page. Or why not get active with Ms McSweeny over on her Skipping School page! Get Epic!Visit your account and you'll see this video I have assigned to your child's folder. Stomping Yoga!How to draw a T-Rex!Click below to print puzzles!My Little Animal Book!Last week Calum made this amazing little book of Zoo animals! Well done Calum, what a great job you did. I wonder of anyone could try making a little book of dinosaurs this week? You can check out last week's challenges for the 'How to make a book" video. It was so nice to be able to share some of your happy moments on Friday Feedback. Please keep them coming and we can enjoy sharing them on Friday Feeback. Have a lovely week!
Kind Regards, Ms Murray It's so lovely to see all these happy faces and thank you for sending in the photos and videos for Friday Feedback! I'm so happy to see a little bit of 'normal life' slipping back into our every day! Classroom Challenges!Well done to Kaylum, Hallie, Frankie, Calum, Josh and Levi for completing this week's challenges. Who would have thought we could use poo in the Zoo to fertilise all the plants! Wonderful stuff! Also some of our favourite Zoo animals included, penguins, flamingos, giraffes and monkeys! Super selection of interesting animals! Have a lovely weekend everyone and I hope all the birthday celebrations went well! Chat to you on Monday,
Kind Regards, Ms Murray
We celebrate lots of special birthdays this week! Congratulations to Emily on Wednesday, Mia M. on Thursday and Karim Saturday! I hope you all have a wonderful day and I'm sure you'll get to do something nice.
The Zoo!
This week we're going to take a virtual school tour to the Zoo! So let's jump straight to the fun challenges below! Of course you are free to continue with any tasks similar to the previous weeks and set some pages in the workbooks. You can also try some of the maths and literacy activities on the additional support page. Or why not get active with Ms McSweeny over on her Skipping School page!
Poo in the Zoo!What do they really do with all the Poo in the Zoo?Can you draw a rhino?Why not try to make a little book and write your own story or make a book of zoo animals? All you need is an A4 Sheet of paper.Zoo Data
Click to download the activity sheets below. Colour a block for each animal you can spot and record coordinates of the zoo animals. Remember print out in black and white to save ink.
Virtual Zoo Tour!
Check out the virtual visits to the Zoo below. Do you recognise any of the places or animals in Dublin Zoo?
For Friday Feedback...
I would love to see a photo of you doing something fun this week! I miss your smiley faces so much and I know you all miss your friends so we would all love to see your happy faces in Friday Feeback this week!
I hope you enjoy this week's challenges! I can't wait to hear about what you get up to this week. Please feel free to contact me via email if you need to.
Kind Regards, Ms Murray Sunshine, Rain and Hail!I'm a little late posting Friday Feedback today because I was busy in school today cleaning our classroom and how crazy was the hailsones and rain showers today! My Favourite Activities This Week!Well done to the boys and girls for uploading you work for Friday Feedback! This week my Star Students are Calum, Frankie, Hallie and Josh! I am blown away by your fantastic penmanship and feeling so proud of you and your grown-ups. I know that it has been challenging to continue with distance learning at home but you have really made every effort to get on board so for that I think you all. Home Work ChallengesWell done to Zoey, Amelia, Calum, Josh, Frankie and Hallie for completing the homework challenges. I am glad to see you all get involved in such an important learning topic. Little bit I know when I set this theme that we would be hearing such sad news this week. So do take the time to talk through all the important guidance with your child. Some wonderful suggestion on water safety from the boys and girls included:
3 Week of Fun!Thank you again to everyone who has engaged in distance learning. We have three week left of the school summer term. Normally we would have been winding down on the academics and heading outdoors as much as possible; having as much fun as we can. So for the next three weeks please feel free to reduce the amount of "focus work" and maybe spend some of that time visiting the playgrounds (YAY!!!) and seeing some of your friends. It's so lovely to feel a little bit of 'normal' feeding back into our lives so make the most of it. I will continue to post the weekly blog, keeping it very simple and adding some playful activities. Instead of sending me 'work' for Friday Feedback I would love if you could send me a photo of your child doing something fun, like visiting the playground (YAY!!!) or a visit to the beach, walk in the park or even a visit to a loved one? I think it would be nice to celebrate the things we are thankful for over the last three weeks.
Hope you all enjoy the weekend, Kind Regards, Ms Murray Homework Links
Tricky words and phonics assessment sheet
Dictation - click for audio file Oxford Owl Readers Irish: Séideán Sí Maths: Number Activities Message For The Children
Yay! The summer has officially arrived! According to meteorology which is the study of weather, the summer months are June, July and August. We get to enjoy all the fine weather (although the good weather has been here a while now!). You may get to make a few visits to the beach or be lucky enough to have a blow-up paddling pool in your garden. But we must remember to stay safe and always make sure you have an adult to watch you! Below are some watery challenge for you this week!
Water Safety!
Watch the videos below and talk to your grow-up about how you can stay safe in the water!
Water Safety Ireland's PAWS (Primary Aquatics Water Safety) programme outlines the essential life-saving guidelines that every child needs to know. Learn skills that can save lives. PAWS is now on the RTE Home School Hub watch below:
Read this book and answer the questions below. Click on image below to access book.
Draw yourself with Zack and trace.
Click image below to download page.
Cosmic Yoga on the Beach!
Find a nice quiet place to practice your yoga!
Puzzle Time
Click below to download and complete the wordsearch!
I hope you enjoy this week's activities. If you have any problem you can email at [email protected] Have a lovely week.
Kind Regards, Ms Murray |