Making the gowns...
Check out the finished puppets here...
Visit our new display!
Word Box Copies
Kind Regards,
Ms Murray
The children are delighted with their new puppets they made! They worked so hard and made each puppet so uniquely beautiful! I hope they will cherish them and keep them forever! Well done boys and girls!
Making the gowns...Check out the finished puppets here...Writing
Your child may have mentioned to you that we have started the formal learning of correct letter formation. The children are now well skilled in the use of pencils and have strengthened their correct pencil grip. They are also well practiced in copying the intricate patterns necessary for correct letter formation, through their regular drawing practice. I am very happy with their first efforts and over the second half of the year we will be re-visiting the letters with the focus on letter formation. This will also offer an opportunity for children to revise their letter sounds in a different context which should improve phonetic fluency.
Visit our new display!Word Box Copies
The children will be going home with their new Word Box copies in their homework folder next week. Once your child is familiar with most of the sounds, the next step is to blend or stretch out the letter sounds to hear the word. Please encourage the children to blend smoothly by "stretching out" the sounds on one continuous breath (without any gaps) rather than choppy separating of letter sounds. They may find this difficult but it tends to just click at some point with plenty practice and repetition.
Just a reminder to please return your child's homework folder to your child's schoolbag each day so that it is brought to school everyday. Also homework readers MUST be returned every Friday so I can pass them onto the next child. Thank you.
Have a great weekend.
Kind Regards, Ms Murray
It's All The About Snow!
This weeks topic couldn't have been more fitting! The girls and boys in room 5 were learning all about snow... ask your child where snow comes from? or what is snow made from? We read lots of lovely stories about snow. This one was particularly special...
We moved like the twirling, swirling snowflakes in the story during our gymnastics lesson.
PE - Twirling Snowflakes from Ms Murray on Vimeo.
We learnt that Inuit people build houses out of snow... so we built one in our own class for play time.
Then teacher taught us how to draw an Igloo using curved lines and shadows... Scroll through the photos to see everyones great drawing!
Teacher tried to show us how to build an Igloo out of our white snow-doh... but we think it looks more like a string of sausages!
And just to create a really snow filled experience teacher even arranged for it to snow real snow for a day! We were the lucky ones who enjoyed our very own snow ball fight!
In other news...Fantastic homework this week... Well done everyone!Parent Teacher MeetingsI'm Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday for the PTM. Please knock at your time.
Have a great weekend!
Kind Regards, Ms Murray Thank you so much to all the grown-ups who brought such an amazing array of autumn resources. Having such a large selection of leaves, chestnuts, pine cones, acorns etc to work with allowed me to bring our Autumn topic into every part of your child's learning. So a big thank you to everyone. We made setsWe made patternsScroll through the pictures to take a look at the creative ways we worked with our autumn resources.ArtWe thought about how we could make an autumn picture with our collection. MathsMore hedgehog counting activities Matching the objects with their partner. Early Writing SkillsWe practiced our autumn mark making in this fun dice game. Leaf RubbingsLearning about the different textures of leaves. The rough side makes a perfect surface for rubbings. AistearDuring Aistear time the children get to bring everything they have learnt over the week and incorporate it into their play in their own way! Anything goes... Just bringing the pumpkins babies for a walk! Self PortraitsThe children were so thrilled with how their self portraits turned out. I can't believe how well some of them captured their own likeness. What a good job they all did! Hope you enjoy the blog this week. Thanks again for all your support resourcing our learning. Next week will be all about the fire station. I am fully stocked for junk art and tins now so I don't need anymore for now, thank you.
Kind Regards, Ms Murray
As we have enjoyed two short weeks, I have put our work together to make one blog. You will have noticed this week that we have finished up the homework sheets but we would ask you to continue with the word boxes and reading each night, I will also be doing a Blog competition each week until the end of school so check their bags on a Monday for the quiz. We are on the wind down now, hard to believe we have only three weeks left! I will be starting to send home their workbooks as we finish them up, so please enjoy looking through them and you can keep them at home. Enjoy the blog... I hope you like the video at the end!
We were practising our procedure writing last week. We looked back at our blogpost from Spring when we planted sunflower seeds and wrote about it, step by step. What fantastic work the children did and look how much everyones writing has improved in only a few short months!
Story Time
We have been learning about the life cycle of the butterfly and what better story to read than Eric Carle's The Hungry Caterpillar! Read it below at home.
Below is our super copy work showing the life cycle of the butterfly. Why not ask you child to tell you the four stages of the life cycle that they have learned in school.
We enjoyed making these super cool pasta art projects... can you guess what we are making?
Hmmmmm... What could we be making?
I forgot to take a picture of the finished display so you'll have to come and see it in real life outside our room on Monday!
School Tour - The Farm!
I hope you enjoy this great video of our trip to Red Mountain Farm! I think you'll agree that the children had a really great time!
That's it for this week! Enjoy the weekend...
Kind Regards, Ms Murray Fun For All Day!
The highlight of this week has to be our fantastic Fun For All day! It was super fun and the weather was perfect! Here is a little mix of some of the different sport we were involved in!
Fun For All Day! from Ms Murray on Vimeo. Super Chilled Little Workers!
We like to relax after all the fun and active learning in our room. Classical music is perfect to creating the right mood during our wind down time. We listen to calm and peaceful music all the time in rm 5!
Little Workers from Ms Murray on Vimeo. Maths
We did some simple maths sums by adding two sets together.
A Squash and a Squeeze
This week we worked on this fun story to link in with our house topic. The children loved how the animals just kept piling into the lady's house but in the end she realised that she should have been happy with she had in the first place.
Below are a few pictures that the children drew about the story.
Art - Shadow Drawings
So we finished our shadow drawing art project today. The children traced over their pencil outlines using markers and then filled the siluette in using oil pastels. Finally we created a background landscape using a very watered down paint. I will post a picture of the finished work next week when they're dry and up on the display wall.
Aistear Building
We can't get enough of our building theme in Rm 5... the children just get more and more creative as we explore new building designs during Aistear.
As a Friday treat we took our Aistear outside while the sun was out. We hope to get a lot more outdoor work done over the last term so here's hoping the sun continues to shine!
That's it for this week. Hope you enjoyed the blog! Be sure to share your favourite part of the week in the comments section if you get the chance boys and girls! Have a nice weekend...
Kind Regards, Zara |