Dear Parents,
Thank you for your support, encouragement and in trusting me with the care and education of your wonderful, inspiring children. It has been an absolutely honour working with them and this journey of learning has been fruitful for both the children and myself. I felt that you were very much a part of their journey this year and through this blog we have been able to share the wonderful work they have done. |
You will have notice that your child has brought home their special box of little treasures, and a little poem I wrote for them. I look forward to receiving some little letters or pictures over the holidays!! Please also take some time to sit down and read through their copies... we have all poured our heart and soul into them throughout the year and they are a testament to your child's hard work and progress! Please enjoy them and keep them safe to look back on and enjoy in years to come.
I wish you and the children a wonderful Summer full of fun, sun and quality time together. As I sign off for the last time... please enjoy the video of our Summer Meal we shared together this week.