Happy Friday everybody!!! Hope you got through the first week back ok. So my plan for future weeks is to upload the children’s work on Fridays this gives you the week to take photos of anything they have done and I will upload them into a Wow work blog post. Just in case you are waiting for photos to go up.😄☺️ I apologise I’ve been very bad at replying to emails I will get back to everybody today!! I read them all and love hearing how everybody is getting on!
🎶🎵let’s start the morning with a song 🎶🎵
Wow work from this week
I get sent so many fabulous pictures of all the amazing things you guys are doing At home. It is so lovely to see the class working so hard, it does not matter if it’s work from the website or different activities you have set them, everybody is doing fabulous work and I am so proud of each and every one of you! Well done Room 10 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
🌏🌎Geography; types of homes and mapping our own homes🌎🌍

t-t-1149-homes-around-the-world-display-posters_ver_1.pdf |
Today we are going to begin learning about all types of homes, there are lots of different types of houses, have a look at the pictures down below and discuss the differences between them all. Have a guess at where in the world you think theses houses might be found.
This is a story about a kid who dreams up the most amazing house. Get ready for a room to blast off!
After that story I think we should dream up some of our own ideas about amazing house and try drawing them. These ideas can be as imaginative as you like and definitely do not have to realistic. Below our just a few ideas to get you started. All you need is a blank page and your imagination. 💡
Now we are going to make a map of our own houses/homes, making a floor plan. A floor plan can be of any part of your house. Below I’ve made a video of how I drew my floor plan.
Story Time
Have a lovely weekend everybody. You did great work this week. See you all on Monday. 😃