Good morning everybody and Happy Monday! Welcome to another week of school at home. I have a little surprise for you all, my dad has been busy working away during quarantine and he has made something special for our classroom. I am so excited to show you it all when we get back but for now here are some photos.
Our new wooden house
Meet my dad Seán, 😃 he is a very talented artist and loves to paint and as you can see he is also very talented with woodwork. I asked him would he make a new house for our classroom that would be slightly bigger to fit all the furniture and look at the amazing house he came up with. I love it!!! 🥰❤️ It even has a cat in the window! I can’t wait til we can all play with it.
Maths Calendar
Today’s calendar is a little different, below you will find a picture of the month of May and some questions about it. These can be done orally or if you choose you can write the answers on a blank page. This is a nice activity to get the class familiar with the calendar.

calendar_questions_may.pdf |
English: Adjectives
Adjectives are describing words, we use them in our writing to help describe what characters look like or what a scene looks like. Below I would like you to create your own character, it can be a person, superhero, monster, alien, made up creature, animal what ever you would like or it could even be a character we already know about, once you have drawn a picture you are to think of a few adjectives that describe it. I did a sample for you below.

adjectives.pdf |
Below I did a little sample for you based on Sully from Monsters Inc.