Happy Tuesday everybody and good morning. If you haven’t already seen it, there is a very special video on the news page from all of us in OLV. ☺️ It’s an emotional one but we hope you enjoy it! 🥰
I hope you are all getting on well this week and are keeping safe. I wanted to share with you an update on our seeds we planted as some have started to grow which is very exciting. 😄 I hope if you planted some seeds with me they have started to grow.
Let’s begin today’s lesson with counting, we are going to be counting forwards and backwards, then in 10’s and finally in 5’s but this time going all the way up to 100.
Next we are going to be working on Empty Number Lines again, this time with some bigger starting numbers and really focusing on getting the right strategy. After the video I will post the answers so you can reflect on your number line and check the answer.
Don’t forget to check out Ms. Stanley’s new activity using an arithmetic rack in the support section, I’ll leave a link below.
Story Time
Dance and Movement Break
We are going to start with an Oral Language poster, look at the picture and use the second photo for questions and activities to go with the poster. No paper or pencils required.
For today’s English we are taking inspiration from The Twits, these activity pages are from Jarrett Lerner’s website and he has so many awesome activities on his website so check it out. https://jarrettlerner.com/activities/
you can do these on a blank page.
you can do these on a blank page.

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Today we are moving on to a new topic "Sa Bhaile", the home. Below we are going to revise some of the vocab for a house and then we are going to listen the poem. Before we do that I have made a few new videos to continue practising our colours, numbers, days of the week and hobbies. Remember to practise these each day.
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Now let’s start our new topic. 😃