Spring Service from Ms Murray on Vimeo.
Egg and Spoon
Egg and Spoon from Ms Murray on Vimeo.
Maths - It's All About The Money!
We have been learning about these little copper coins. We discussed what is different about them (size, numbers). It is interesting to note that when the children were asked which of these amounts would buy me more in a shop, everyone have their reasons for picking one or the other. The commons misconceptions where that the 5c coin would buy more because it is a bigger coin or the five 1c coins would buy more because there are more coins. Interesting. Try to take any opportunity to talk about money when visiting the shops and maybe give the children a chance to hand the money to the shop keeper and wait for the change.
Best SortersWhat makes these coins different? |
What makes the coins belong together?
Favourite Book Day
Hand Writing
What lovely rainbows and pots of gold.
Ms Murray!