A big hello and welcome to all the boys and girls from room 2, Mammies, Daddies, Aunties, Uncles, minders or whoever is looking after you at this time. I hope you are are keeping well. It really is strange times we are living in at the moment and I am really missing you all but we are in this together. If we all work as a team we will be back together in school again. Over the next couple of weeks I am going to be keeping in contact with everyone via this blog! I will be posting videos and pictures to help you and your Mammies and Daddies with your school work. We might not be in school for a little while and maybe longer than originally expected so it is sooo important to keep up with your work so that we are all on the same page when we return. See you all again tomorrow!
Ms. O’Shea
Ms. O’Shea