- Oral Language: chat about your news from the weekend
- Recount: draw a picture of something you did at the weekend (news). You can write some words to label your picture if you wish.
- Handwriting: The letter m. This will be easy for you as it’s an extension of the letter n - you just add one more tunnel. Complete your rainbow letter from your work pack and practice freely on a page using markers, crayons, pencils, pens etc. You can also use play to help you learn the formation - make m with play doh, Lego etc.
- Count 1-10 as Gaeilge
- Is mise an Traein (song)
- Is mise _________ (name)
- Cén saghas lae é?
- Counting 1-20, backwards 10-1 (See video from Thursday if you wish)
- Counting from different starting points eg. 2-7 etc.
- Revision of the number 3. Make sets of 3 using things from your home - 3 cars, 3 dolls, 3 shoes etc. How many sets can you make in 10 mins? Get the timer out! Complete number 3 worksheet from your work pack.