Dia daoibh a pháistí agus fáilte!
Tá an lá scamallach, fuar, agus tirim.
- Athrá ar bhfóclóir Bia agus mé féin
- Fóclóir nua - éadaí
- Reader, sounds, word lists
- Single letter sounds with me (see video below)
- Blending - ad family (see video below)
- Read and draw page 7.
- Handwriting practice - r page
- Ten Bunnies Counting Song - Youtube video below
- Money - Introducing the concept that a 2c coin has the same value as two 1c coins. This can be quite abstract for junior infants because they still see it as one coin. Have a little practice similar to the video with coins at home. Don't be worried if they don't get it fully today.
You will need:
- Paper as big or small as you wish
- Pencil
- Colours/paints - you can choose how you add colour to your picture!
- Remember you can pause the video at any time - have fun!